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He said yes.

Kenma said yes to hanging out with Yamamoto.

Yamamoto wasn't really looking forward to it, seeing as he was basically forced by Y/n. But she was sick and she wanted him to branch out more, 'expand his horizons' if you may. But as she put it:

"Expand that domain."

Whatever the fuck that meant. Seeing as she was sick, he would do it for her. What if she was really sick, like deadly sick? Then what? Was he just not supposed to fulfil the dying wish of his best friend? The one that he-

He shook himself out of his thoughts. He shouldn't be thinking like that. It's just a cold, that's all.

Slipping on his shoes, he walked out of the house, already dreading the day ahead of him.


When he got to the arcade, Kenma was nowhere in sight.

That bastard stood me up! Here I was thinking he would jump at the chance.

He was about to leave when he saw a commotion in the dimly lit building. There was a crowd around a game, probably not the game, but the person. When he caught a glimpse of the person's hair, he know it was


The faux blonde turned his head for only about two seconds, but those two seconds were enough for the other player to win. Well, not player, more like bot.

Kenma had lost to a bot.

That had never happened before. The crowd dispersed the second he did. The short male sighed and place his hands in his pockets, heading towards the mohawked male.

"S-sorry for making you lose your game," he awkwardly apologized.

"It's fine, it's not a big deal." It wasn't a big deal, no. That doesn't mean that Kenma still wasn't pissed. "Let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

The taller male had no other choice than to follow the smaller one. He had no other place in mind that he thought Kenma might like other than the arcade, so it was good that he was showing him the way.

They arrived at the train station.

Where could they possibly be going that required them to take a train?

While Yamamoto was standing a little too close to the platform, Kenma came up behind him. He was fighting the urge to just push him off right then and there. In the end, he won against his dark impulses, thank heavens.

The train arrived and they rode together in silence. Taketora was thinking about how awkward it was while Kenma was thinking about how much he hated the male standing next to him.

Should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him should've pushed him was all that was running through the younger's mind.

When they arrived, Kenma got out of the train and started walking. Since Kenma had both of their tickets on him, he followed him out. If not, he might've just taken the train home.

He really didn't want to be there.

Kenma kept walking, not saying anything. The only thing he was thinking was how he should've pushed Yamamoto. As for the older male, he kept walking behind him, unfamiliar with his surroundings. Where they even in Tokyo anymore? The air was thick, the silence was too loud for him. He didn't dare break it though.

See, Kenma wasn't at all scary, but at times he could be rather


This was one of those times.

They kept walking, and walking, and walking.

In the end, they must have walked for thirty minutes or so.

Damn, if we were gonna walk this much why even take the damned train?

"We're here."

They finally arrived at their destination.

Yamamoto looked up to see a fairground. But it was abandoned, and run down. There was uncut greenery on most of the rides, expired food in the stands, and don't even get him started on the smell.

This place was a dump.

"Kenma, are you sure you didn't make a wrong turn somewhere?"

"No, I'm sure. I come here all the time."

Yamamoto doubted him.

He's gonna kill me.

Kenma walked inside, and Yamamoto followed. Every cell in his body was screaming at him to turn and run away, but he didn't listen. When the younger went behind a food stand, that's when Yamamoto's heart really started racing.

All his panicking was in vain, though. Kenma emerged from behind with two sodas, one for him and one for Taketora.

"What's with your face? You said you wanted to hang out, right?"

And hang out they did. Yamamoto actually found himself enjoying the company. It was nice to hang out with someone other than Y/n for once.

Even Kenma found himself genuinely having fun.

Overall, the day was a success, and Yamamoto had made a new friend.

Too bad it was rather one-sided.


K. Kenma & K. Tetsurou - Carnage ✓Where stories live. Discover now