"S-She wont answer..."

"It was raining hard when she leave me alone in the restaurant-"

"C-Come with me.. We have to check if she's okay or what..." Sakura quickly drag Yuri into Yena's spare car as she drove faster but safer for the both of them.

"You know.. I tried to stop her-"

"I tried too.." Sakura was too focus on the road.

"Let's just let her go... Its for her and our own good.." Yuri said, Sakura keep herself quiet.

"What will you say to others..? That she leave because she pick her own family than us..?" There is no anger on Sakura's words instead, it was just sadness.

"I will tell them the truth that she leave.. I'm sure they will understand it right?" Yuri said still trying to dial (Y/n)'s number.

"What if she borded the plane? Of course she wont amswer our calls right-"

"I heard an explosion Yuri.. And it just means- Hey!" Sakura suddenly stopped the car as there is traffic on the road.

"Tsk.. Why is there a traffic when its raining hard..?" Yuri sighs. Sakura open the car's window as she peek, the traffic was terribly long and will get longer because it doesnt even move an inch.

"What happen??"


"Traffic at early in the morning seriously??"

The other driver's were also not on the mood for traffic until an enforcer walk to them.

"Please calm down and give way.. We are clearing the road and waiting for an ambulance.. There is an accident involving a drunk driver and a girl-"

"No... I-I have to check it.." Sakura almost walk out when Yuri stopped her.

"Its raining hard, you might get sick-"

"Stay there..-" Sakura is panting hard in nervousness, she never felt this before. She run and run towards the crash, what she saw was a familliar car. A few people hurdle around it, she quickly shove them away as she catch her breathe in front.

There she saw a woman lying on her back in the ground a bit closer to the crash not even covered from the rain as the authorities push the people back. No one is helping but the woman is breathing hard. Sakura's vision was not that clear so it took a moment for her to see what is the woman wearing and then she realize, those clothes were familliar, too familliar.

"(Y-Y/n)..?" Sakura as fast as lightning move away from the authorities as she kneel beside the woman. Now she's 100%

it was you.

"I-I know her! Dont make me move!!" She slowly lift your head to her lap, the blood coming out from your head was no where near of stopping so she bandage it with the handkerchief she had on her pocket.

She hold your hand as she still feel the pulse around your wrist, low, slow and faint.

"H-Hey... Y-You're suppost to go to the airport... W-Why are you here..?" She tried to keep her best to keep her sob, she's no where to be sane as Sakura saw the almost lifeless body of yours.


"Sakura! Hey who is-" Sakura look at Yuri as Yuri cover her mouth as the umbrella drop from her hand.

"Y-Yuri..." Sakura's lips are shaking so is her hand, Yuri kneel beside her and pat her back.

"I-Is she still-" Sakura only nod.

"T-Then lets go.. We'll take her to the hospital ourselves!" Yuri stand up as she guide Sakura who is carrying you out of this site.

"You cant take the body.. The ambulance is coming-"

"Dont give me a sht! Coming when its traffic?! You didnt even manage to do a first aid in her! Fvck off!" Yuri push them away as Sakura cant say any word. The people give way to the three as they reach their car, the other drivers also give way.

The ride was thrilling, Yuri drive as fast as she could as Sakura tried to keep your body warm by hugging you, the poor state those authorities leave you was not even right.

Alas they reach the destination, the nurses are fast on there feet as it only took a few minutes to get you to ER, its a big hospital but everyone seems professional.

"Unnie stay here I will buy you something warm..." Yuri handed a blanket to Sakura to keep her warm while waiting at a chair, Sakura just nod as she stare at the room's door.

She cant quite see what is happening but she do imagine it but she was hoping it was just imagination.

A few more minutes past when Yuri came back and handed Sakura a cup of tea to atleast lessen the cold, Sakura tried to open her mouth but nothing came out of it.

"Its fine unnie..." Yuri sat beside her as she keep her hand warm.

"They are doing their best... Dont worry.." Yuri started to speak.

"B-But isnt it odd... They build a traffic by closing the road with their barricades but they didnt made us pull away from the traffic.. They let the car build up..."

'Now that she mention it.. I didnt pay attention to the surroundings..'

"A-And.. The only body we saw was (Y/n).. The other car was empty.. Either the driver run or-"

"T-This was planned..-" Then her phone ring, she look at the name as her hand shakes.


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