“Katerina,” he said huskily, but I stopped him before he could go on, “That cannot happen again. Never. When we walk out of here, it will be like it never happened.”

“But it did happen dear,” he smiled, showing a beautiful set of teeth around his full lips, “And I’m very glad it did.”

I went on full force, “Well I’m not. I don’t appreciate being attacked sensually or otherwise when I’m trying to express anger,” I snapped.

He laughed, the bastard, “Oh but you enjoyed it. I know you did you naughty little kitten," he said, reaching his first two fingers on his left hand to caress my cheek.

I glared at him, trying to cover up the fact that the pet name had just nearly made me swoon, “Don’t fucking call me that. I’m your teacher for God’s sake!”

“All technicalities my dearest Kaye,” he smirked, trying to come closer to me. I put my hands up in front of me, “Back off or you’ll find yourself on the floor mister,” I snapped.

He sighed, “God you’re beautiful, and enticingly so when you’re angry.”

“Shut up,” I said before turning around and leaving my room and Sebastian. Quickly I bounded down the stairs to the living area where Jace and Nickie were sitting contentedly in each other’s presence. Whatever the heck happened, they must have worked out their shit.

I tried to make myself look composed, as if nothing had even happened between Sebastian and I in my room damn that was a hell of a kiss I thought. I was glad I hadn’t let him kiss me again…..that may have led to further actions I’d rather not talk about. But it wasn’t like I hadn’t kissed him back. No. Now was not the time to think about that stuff. I had to focus on the present.

“Hey Nickie,” I said cheerfully, “Jace said you needed me. Are you alright?”

She nodded, “Daniella asked me to help with her wedding, because of my expertise. Well beforehand I didn’t because, well you know why. I just told her I would stay and help but I need a place to stay until Jace deems his place worthy of my presence.”

I looked at Jace, “You let yourself go again, didn’t you?”

Jace nodded sheepishly, “In my defense I was traveling. And I met this wonderful woman.” He gestured to Nickie who only smiled a little. It was going to be a long haul for them, but I believed they could make it. Wanna know how I know? Because I have never seen Nickie look at a guy like she looks at Jace and that silly Cowardly Lion has never tried to win back a woman or tended to a woman the way he has with Nickie. It was a match that was meant to be (as much as I despised those words).

I nodded, “You can stay here until Jaces gets himself in line Nick. I’ve got no problem with it.”

“Neither do we thanks for asking,” Astrid called from the hallway.

I turned so slightly to see her and Toni standing in the hallway. Toni rapped her lightly on the arm, “Nickie’s welcome here.”

Nickie smiled at Toni, still dressed in work clothes from today as she’d just walked in the door. Where had Sebastian gone? I figured he’d be right behind me ready to assault me again, but he was found nowhere in sight. Oh well, I had better things to worry about anyway.

“Also Kaye, Daniella would like you to come to the rehearsal dinner. One of the bridesmaids cancelled because it’s such short notice. I told her that would happen but doe she listen to me? Nope. So anyway you just need a light blue dress for the wedding. You’ll be walking with Daniella’s brother in law, Ian.”

I nodded, “Okay.” I didn’t have a problem participating in Daniella’s wedding. She was a good person and I was good friends with her, “When do I need to show up for the wedding rehearsal?”

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