Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

It's a new generation

Of party people…..

Let me introduce you

To my party people

In the club…….Ha!

 I could hear the resounding bass of the J.Lo and Pitbull song even from outside the establishment, "We're here! Come on slowpokes!" Toni called back to Astrid and I as we entered the grand ballroom of Fifth Avenue for the masquerade. Once we got to the city from Brooklyn, Toni hailed us a cab to her friend's loft in Little Italy so we could get settled in and ready for the masquerade. He'd been more than happy to lend us his place, since he was leaving to go out of town that night. When we were dressed and ready to go, he insisted on taking pictures of us, referring to the three of us as "total knock-outs." Astrid was literally the badass queen of gothic Victorian Halloween in her black get up. Toni was poised like an Asian heiress in her ink blue chiffon gown and strappy black suede pumps.

Since my dress didn't reach all the way to the floor, I kept my legs bare, but I donned a pair of nude bandalettes to keep my thighs from chafing (it happened to me too much thanks to the curvy figure I possessed). I had done my hair in an up-do with bobby pins and scented myself with sweet pea mist. My dress fell on me comfortably, and my new lingerie worked well for the dress' shape. I felt good, and quite sexy with my appearance. The finishing touch, my mask, rested on my face with it tied just below the curly mess of my done up hair. I was ready, I thought. So why in the hell was I shaking like I was on trial for murder? Oh right, the whole anticipation of anything can happen. Yeah, that didn't work so well for Lindsay Lohan and her masquerade in Just My Luck. She'd lost a heel, gotten arrested, and managed to hire an escort for her boss who ended up in jail with her. 

Lord just let me get through this night without embarrassing myself I thought pleadingly as my sister and I ascended the staircase to the main ballroom. The room itself was enormous, with a top balcony that looked down to the main dance floor and seating area. The decorations were exquisite, and actually quite tasteful. Curtains and draperies of purple, grey, and light blue hung fabulously from the pillars with twinkling lights wrapped around each pillars. A line of tables with seemingly expensive food and linen table cloths was off to the side wall where I was on the balcony. Geez Louise, the place looked like something from a dream. I felt like I was walking through another world. That's because I am I thought. I was in the midst of the upper class of New York City……..the closest thing to royalty that America will ever get. 

I caught sight of Anita from far away, since I recognized her mask. Janie was next to her, wearing a baby blue spaghetti strapped mini dress with sky high white stilettos. The slit in the middle showed a great deal of her cleavage, or lack thereof. Truthfully, Janie always wore what she wanted, not what looked good on her. Her mask was interesting, and actually suited her. It was gold rimmed with blue crystals, what was interesting about it was the right side arched over her eye while the opposite side trailed down her cheek. I actually kind of liked it, if only she wasn't such a bitch I might have found a bit of kindness to compliment her, not that she'd accept it or believe it. She couldn't see kindness if it slapped her in the face, but hey, that was not my problem.

Anita's eyes met mine and she quickly excused herself to come up to the second floor to me, "Kaye! I'm so glad you're finally here! Janie's been on the warpath since she heard from my mother about the Sebastian Bridges rumor!"

I rolled my eyes, "What is the big deal with this guy? So what if he's a billionaire, that doesn't make him God. What has she been doing?"

"Basically whoring around every bachelor and inquiring about him. She made me stand guard with her the minute after my mother told her. Somehow they're friends."

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