Chapter 24: The Dragon's Den! Blackthorn Gym! Wynaut?

Start from the beginning

The gang told Clair about their meeting with Lance outside Mahogany Town and Luna captured a shiny Gyarados there, Claire and Kuburagi was impressed.

Soon they reached a lake, and the entrance to the Dragon's Den was on the other side of the lake, in the cliffs.

Claire sent out her Gyarados and everyone got onto its back to cross the lake and into Dragon's Den.

The dragon's den was a very dark cave.

Luna sent out Lanturn to light up the way.

The other problem was there were some whirlpools in the dragon's den. Misty sent out her Staryu to deal with the whirlpools with whirlpool attack.

Soon they were getting near the shrine, which stood in the middle of the Dragon's Den.

"I take it Lance has been here as well right Claire?" Luna asked.

"That's correct Luna," Claire said, "all dragon type trainers come here to pray for all the dragon type trainers of the past to guide them on their quests. So both Lance and I have prayed here to have our quests, being great dragon type trainers, be successful."

"I see." Luna said.

Finally they reached the shrine of the dragon's den. Suddenly three old men ran out of the shrine, they were the priests of the shrine.

"Oh Claire we are glad you are here."One of them said.

"Has something happened?" Claire asked.

One of the priests explained that they were getting the shrine ready for Claire's ritual, but then a thief broke into the shrine and stole all the dragon fangs from the Master of the Dragon Clan.

"Oh my!" Kaburagi gasped, "I'm glad that this thief hadn't stolen the old dragon fang."

"Is the Master okay?" Claire asked.

"Oh he's alright," one of the priests answered, "he's just in a bit of a shock from the attack."

Claire ran into the shrine to see if the master was okay and Kaburagi and the gang followed.

The inside of the shrine was in a mess; scrolls were over the floor, boxes on the floor and some statues knocked over.

Claire ran over to the Master, who was an old man, to see if he was okay.

The Master of the Dragon Clan was in charge of the dragon's den shrine and he was also a teacher to those who wanted to become dragon Pokémon trainers.

The Master was okay, but he was cross that the dragon fangs had been stolen, "You must get those dragon fangs' back," he said to Claire, "the thief plans to sell them to make money and he can't do that."

"Don't worry master," Claire said, "I'll go get them back at once."

The gang offered to help and Claire accepted and they all got back to Gyarados to go after the thief.

Kaburagi stayed behind to help the priests and Master tidy up the shrine.

Meanwhile the thief who was a man name Blake was in a motor boat, on the lake.

"I did good stealing those dragon fangs." Blake laughed.

Blake drove the motor boat to the shore of the lake and placed down his bag of things down on the grass to look at them.

Apart from stealing dragon fangs, Blake had also stolen other items that powered up a Pokémon's moves, like charcoals for fire types, magnets for electric types etc.

"I'll be getting a lot of money by selling this lot." Blake smirked.

At that moment, Claire and the gang arrived.

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