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"I HATE YOU! " I yell, picking up my clothes off the floor.

"Now you hate me? What did I fucking do? " Rafe hisses.

"You know what you did! " I groan, slapping my face at his stupidity.

"No, I don't actually! "

"Fuck off, Rafe! "

"Gladly! "

"Ugh!" I scream, throwing whatever was in distance around.

Of all things, how could he forget?

My eyes flutter open to Rafe's wake-up call; kisses.

"Well, hello there handsome," I kiss his puffy lips lightly.

"Hello, gorgeous," He grins, running a hand down my spine.

I sit back in my chair, slowly chewing on the Lucky Charms that sat in my bowl. Rafe sat at the other end of the table, eating Cheerios. Rose, Mia, and Wheezie look back and forth at the two of us, highly concerned.

"Um... are you okay, Faye?" Mia teeters nervously.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah. I'm just fucking grand," I grip my spoon harshly.

"And you, Rafe?" Wheeze asks him the same.

"Just peachy," He enunciates, this eyes throwing daggers at me.

"Well, that's good to hear," Rose breaks the silence while sipping on her coffee.

"What do you even think I possibly did?!" Rafe suddenly shouts, his voice echoing off the walls.

This guy really doesn't get a clue, does he?

"You should figure it out, then! It's not that hard!" I growl.

"At least give me a hint," he suggests, sitting out of his seat and laying his palms a good few inches apart on the table.

"Last night!" I say stubbornly.

"That's not a fucking hint and you know that!" He points his index finger at me.

"That's not my problem!"

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