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"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS?" I ask nervously, placing out red solo cups and different brands of alcohol. It was a couple days after the bathroom incident, and Rafe was throwing a party.

See, every week, Kelce, Topper, Rafe, and a couple other kooks, take turns hosting parties. It was now Rafe's turn. He, of course, was worried that I'd do something again, but I promised I'd stick to his side the whole time.

"We'll be fine. Sarah and Dad are M.I.A., Wheezie's at a sleepover, and Rose is in Boston," He grabs one of his clear blue bongs and places it down.

"I know it's just..." I start bounce my leg up and down.

"It's okay, you can tell me," He rubs my back.

"I just don't want to run into JJ right now," I sigh.

"Hey, no pogues are allowed in here, unless their like you," He smiles.


"I promise."


"Good. Now can you put this over there for me darling?"

We sat for only ten minutes or so before the house started filling with all kinds of people who were either high schoolers or freshman in college. Since no pogues were allowed, I only conversed with Kelce and Rafe. They were the only ones I knew.

"Ay, my man!" Topper walks into the house with two cases of beer.

"Hey, what's up?" Rafe grins, patting him on the back.

"Just sleeping around, you know how it is! Anyways, this party is legit!" Top yells over the music.

"Thanks, Tops. Drinks can go in the kitchen by the way!" Rafe shouts to him.

"Thanks! I'll catch you later then?" He disappears into the crowd before Rafe can respond.

"What did he mean about you knowing how it is sleeping around?" I query.

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