The bouncer lets us in when we let them know our names and soon chaos ensues. The twitching lights cover the length of the club, showing us the grinding bodies scattered across it. With a much warmer temperature than outside, we both take our coats off and start to walk.

We can't take two steps without someone stumbling over her, making me wrap an arm around her waist and pull her back against my chest. With my other arm, I open a path in the sea of people and lead us to the VIP lounge, where Marcel, Zhara and all of their friends are hanging out.

"This must have cost you a shit ton," I laugh after congratulating him on his birthday.

"It cost me nothing, my uncle owns it."

"Oh, that'll do it." I nod.

"Happy birthday," my girl tells him in a hug. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Of course. I just hoped I could have watched you making his life hell for a little bit tonight too, but I see you couldn't resist his charm," he smirks.

"Fate had other plans," she snickers before kissing Zhara on the cheek and sitting down next to her. "But he's not off the hook yet, your boy has some making up he needs to do."

Zhara laughs at her words and I can't help but smile too.

"Don't we all?" Marcel laughs.

"Alright, stop harassing my girlfriend and go annoy yours," I chime in.

Pulling Luna up, I sit down where she was before and then sit her on my lap. She doesn't protest but still doesn't give me her full attention, keeping her conversation running with Zhara.

I take advantage of the moment to look at her, really observe her. It might be stupid or creepy but I don't give a shit at this point. I am well aware of how deep I am.

Listening to her light-hearted mood, with constant laughs and ever-present smiles is too fucking rewarding. Long gone is the Luna who was constantly frowning and worrying about bills, how to pay for food or if her mum would still be alive when she got home again. I may have to fall on my knees and beg for her to forgive me but I'd do it all again, it was so worth it.

"What are you doing for Christmas then?" Zhara asks and I feel Luna tense.

"I don't know yet."

"Can you go visit your mum?" I can't help but blurt the question, regretting it right after.

"I don't know if I want to," she answers honestly. "I am finally understanding the damage she's done over the years and I am not ready to see her yet.

"Well, you could spend it with us if you want."

"I'll have to see with my dad," she says, looking away from me. "He might want to spend with me too."

"Well, you could both come and spend it with us," I insist. "My mum loves you and loves Christmas with lots of people."

"Do you want to go and dance?" Zhara chimes in before Luna can answer.

"I-," she hesitates, looking at me.

"Go." I encourage her. "We will join you, girls, in a little bit."

They both saunter off, going down the small staircase, to the dance floor on the lower level. Marcel sits down next to me with two beers in hand.

"I am not drinking tonight," I inform him with a shake of my head.

"I know," he groans. "It's non-alcoholic. I gathered you wanted to be sober to enjoy getting back together."

We both smirk at his words. I miss her, I miss making love to her, but I also miss fucking her brains out and for all of the above, I need sobriety. We might not even do it, but I want to b sober if we end up just cuddling. If not, I'll worship her all night long, make her come so many times the only letters she'll know are the ones in my name.

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