Chapter 41 - The First Time

Start from the beginning

"I knew from the minute I started working for my father, that it wasn't for me. I wasn't made to kill people and do illegal shit, it took time to get used to it." The high started to hit me after a few puffs. I passed it back to him and he inhaled the smoke through his nose. "My biggest problem was guilt. Even though I was dealing with men as bad as Jason, I still felt terrible about hurting them. I didn't want to. It didn't make me feel good."

He kept smoking and smoking. He offered me more but I declined, not wanting to get too tired. I was surprised after he finished the whole thing, wondering how he could function perfectly without any issues. His tolerance must be that high.

Elias then placed both his hands on my waist, tugging me even closer than before. I rested my head on his shoulder, holding him tight as I listened to his voice.

"I had just turned fourteen. My father thought it was about time I do some real work. He ordered me to murder one of the guests staying here, as he was suspected of stealing from my father's office. That was the first time he told me to do something so serious. I had only beat up a couple of guys before, maybe even stabbed some, but that was it. Nothing more."

It was hard to hide my shock and concern, as that was one of the most unhealthy upbringings someone could experience. Imagine, a fourteen-year-old stabbing grown men? The image sent a shiver up my spine.

But that was the way it worked with these people. They were always taught young, so by the age of eighteen, they could efficiently take care of business and not cry themselves to sleep every night. It happened to Elias and Daniel. It happened to Luca, Lorenzo, and Leonardo. It happened to my brother. It happened to Isaiah.

"My job was to confront the man and then kill him. I failed. I hid in the bathroom and once he came back to his hotel room, I heard him on the phone with his daughter. He had a fucking family." Elias played with one of the strands of my hair, examining the curl as if it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. "I ran out of the room and didn't tell anyone. He ended up stealing my father's favourite watch from his desk that day, and he got away with it too. I screwed up badly."

The extent of Elias's childhood was too much for any normal person to stomach. It was hard to listen to these story's, and the things he went through. If I could, I would make it fair. I would bring Jason Torres back to life just so I could kill him all over again, but slower and more painfully. I would make him feel everything he made his kids feel.

Right now, all I could do was support him. All I could do was comfort him, try to lessen the sadness, although I had no idea how to do that. My best effort was to touch him, so he knew I was here with him. I traced light circles on his bicep, meeting his gaze every so he knew I was hearing everything. I stayed quiet.

"Daniel took the punishment for me like he always did. He told our dad that it was his fault, that he thought it was a different man who was stealing from the office."

He took a deep breath, preparing himself for the next part.

"He came to my room the next night. With a black eye, an empty bottle of vodka in one hand, and a knife in the other. Daniel screamed at the top of his lungs. He told me that I was a pussy, and that he didn't want to protect me anymore. He told me that I needed to start protecting myself, starting immediately. I was sitting on my bed. I wasn't ready when he lunged towards me and swung the blade, slicing my face right open."

My body tensed. I asked the first question that came to mind. "Did you guys make up? Did he say sorry for hurting you?"

"Yes. Daniel never stopped apologizing for that, up until the last day I ever talked to him." Elias ran his thumb across my bottom lip once more, checking the bruise again. "He didn't need to though, I forgave him as soon as it happened. Daniel had taken much more damage for me than I ever had for him. He was drunk, and I knew all too well what alcohol did to someone when they were angry."

That sounded extremely traumatic. Of course, their relationship wasn't perfect, but I didn't expect something so drastic. There must be a lot more to the Torres brothers than I would ever know.

What Elias did next caught me by surprise. He took my hand in his and put it to his face. He let me touch his face...for the first time. I seized the opportunity to run my finger along the jagged scar. He didn't stop me. He welcomed my touch.

"I want us to be able to share things like this. I want to know everything about your life before we met." His eyes closed briefly. He softly pressed his cheek into my palm, like he was enjoying a moment of pure bliss. "Please tell me a story. Tell me something. Anything."

What could I tell him?


Whenever I read I always wonder what the authors think of their characters, so I guess comment if you're curious.

Personally, I think Elias is the best love interest/character I've ever written. Like a million times better than Raphael tbh.

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