Chapter 12 - Success

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He was my brother's best friend and the most idiotic person to ever walk this earth.

Years ago when Isaiah was still alive, the two would get in copious amounts of trouble. Dominik liked to do things he wasn't allowed to do, and always dragged my brother along with him.

Dominik still worked for my father because he was the best assassin we knew. Otherwise, he would have been fired...or most likely killed to tie up loose ends.

The plan was just for him to observe our night out. To get a sense of Elias so he could report back to my father. But of course, he couldn't even complete the simplest of tasks before being discovered.

I told Nathaniel that it was a bad idea to send him, yet apparently, he had no choice. Dominik was the only one available to come all the way here.

So I was now sitting at the table alone, drinking wine and waiting for my date to return.

To my surprise, I was enjoying Elias's company a lot more than I expected. He was a very interesting person, unlike most of the men I had interacted with before.

At times he seemed shy and reserved, but then others when he was very emotionally driven. Like earlier when Rachel was bothering us and he told her to get back to work...he wasn't just annoyed, he was angry.

Those feelings probably came from their past relationship, which also had me very intrigued. What exactly happened between them? I knew it ended badly, but why did they break up? What did she do to him?

It wasn't my business. I was just here to carry through with the plan. Do what my father told me to do, and make sure he didn't kill anyone else.

I wanted Elias to like me but I didn't want him to love me, for my sake and his.

For mine, because I couldn't handle hurting another person. And for his, because I didn't want him to get hurt. With the limited knowledge I had of his background, the boy had already been through enough. A crazy dad, a crazy ex-girlfriend, and a brother who he believed was dead.

People who lived this life never got a happy ending. I wouldn't, and neither would Elias Torres.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed fast movement inside the restaurant. Then seconds later, my date came racing out of the building towards me. I should have been shocked, yet of course, I wasn't.

Elias's lip was busted open. He quickly pulled his wallet out of his pocket and dropped a one hundred dollar bill on the table. "We have to leave."

I tried to act as surprised as possible. "Why-"

Another man came out of the restaurant, he had a phone in his hand and was yelling, "I'm calling the police! You're going to pay for this damage!"

As soon as I stood and picked up my purse, Elias grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, dragging me along to the exit.

Glancing back at the man who was chasing us, I saw that he was wearing a chef's uniform. Whatever happened between Dominik and Elias in the washroom must have escalated to a fight so bad to the point where they broke some of the restaurant's property.

We made it to the street and continued to run. I could only go so fast because of my heels, but he made sure I didn't fall by slowing down a little.

Once we got to the closest intersection, Elias glanced behind us and took a deep breath. The chef hadn't followed us down the road, we were in the clear.

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