"Tell us you've located Savage." I said in a snappy and dismissive tone.

"No, but we have received a transmission from 2016 Star City."

"Ah, screw it."


"I see you've retrieved the team." I commented to my uncle, seconds before hell broke loose. Sara slammed me against the wall and placed a switchblade against my neck.

"You knew. You dropped us off five months later because you knew."

"Knew what?" Jax asked Sara who just got angrier at the comment.

"You knew that Laurel was going to die, and now you're going to take me back, and I'm going to save my sister."

"I'm afraid that-" Sara cut me off.

"You should be afraid."

"I can't allow you-" She slammed her hand against the wall, placing the blade closer to my throat.

"I don't care about the timeline! You're taking me back now!"

"Look, Sara, I'm sure a valid reason Jes didn't-" Ray was cut off by an enraged Sara.

"Stay out of this!" She turned her head to yell at him and when she turned back, Rip knocked her out with the flasher.

"Mr. Rory, if you would?" He picked up Sara's limp body.

"What the hell, Jes?"

"Let Rip explain." I said as I watched Mick carry Sara away. "I have my own mess to clean up."


I paced outside Sara's room for a moment before deciding to open the door. She was on her bed crying. As soon as she saw me, her expression changed from sadness to rage. She walked up to me and slapped me. I didn't try to dodge it. Even though I knew it was coming. I deserved it. I hid her sister's death from her for months.

"I deserved that." I admitted.

"You hid everything from me! That entire time!" She paused for a moment and started pacing around the room. "Please, Jes. Just take me back and save her. You owe me at least that."

"Sara, you know I-"

"The damn timeline means nothing to me! My sister did everything to bring me back, so why can't I do the same for her?"


"Bring me back now, or we're done. Forever. This time. Bring me back or we're done."

"Sara!" I yelled, making her jump back a little. "I can't. I want to, but I can't. In any timeline, if you go back, not only does your sister die, but you and your father do as well."

"But if we bring the team-"

"The outcome remains unchanged."

"No." She shook her head in denial. "If you loved me enough, you would bring me back."

"Sara-" I whispered.

"If you loved me, you'd bring me back!" She tried to punch me again and this time I did dodge it, letting her hand go straight into the wall.

"You should have Gideon check that out." I recommended, giving her a silent moment and knowing it was over.


"So this is a spaceship?" Carter asked us, dumbfounded.

"It's a time ship, but yes, it does also travel through space." I explained.

The Flame-Sara LanceHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin