Episode 228: Memory Loss...

Start from the beginning

Logan: You mind telling me why you brought us out in the streets?

V4: Yes. Notice how no one in the cast remembers Laura, but we do?

Logan: Of course they remember, V4.  They're just playing some stupid game.

V4: Logan, this could be serious. This doesn't sound like just some sick joke they would play. Especially Maya.

Logan: Well then, do you have a better idea for what's going on?

V4: Yes, I do. Remember when Laura said that all mermaids that interact with humans will have their memories erased?

Logan: Yeah, but what does that have to do with us?

V4: What if it had some weird side effects on us?

Logan: Care to elaborate?

V4: What if when mermaids of the Grand Ocean have their memories of our world erased, the humans they met have THEIR memories of the mermaids erased too?!

Logan: ........Nah.

V4: Nah?! What do you mean "nah"?!

Logan: That can't be why they all of a sudden "forgot" about Laura.

V4: Give me ONE good reason why that is.

Logan: If us humans were truly ment to lose the memories of those we met in the Grand Ocean, then how do WE still remember Laura?

V4: Maybe because we're Legendary Heroes? But regardless, that's the only reasonable way they could ever forget!

Logan: Oh really? If us Legendary Heroes are exempt from Grand Ocean memory loss, then let's ask the others! Then your theory will be rendered null and void!

*Logan summons Ani, Deondre, Brando and Elijah*

Deondre: Huh?! What are we doing here?!

Logan: I brought you guys here.

Brando: Logan?! What the hell do YOU want?!

Logan: Well, everyone in the show somehow miraculously lost their memories of Laura, and V4 over here thinks that when she lost her memories of us, we all lost our memories of HER.

Brando: OK, but why are WE here?

Logan: V4 thinks the reason WE remember her is because we're Legendary Heroes, and I brought you guys here to test that theory. So tell me, do YOU guys remember Laura?

Deondre: Remember Laura? How could we not? She's one of the show's most prominent characters in the show.

Ani: And one of our best friends...

Brando: And a proud member of my Harem...

Elijah: Really dude?

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