"Inform the who? What? No. No. No...Wait" the Hobbit turned around and quickly made his way up the stone stairs, speaking as he did "We do not want any adventures here, thank you. Not today. Not..."

Gandalf long stopped in his tracks to listen to the Hobbit ramble "I suggest you try Over the Hill or Across the Water" lost for words for what to say next, Bilbo once again wished the Wizard a happy morning, and quickly slipped into his hole, closing and locking the door after him, breathing a sigh of relief when he heard the lock close.

He was about to walk away, when he heard scratches. He turned around confused, and focused more on the sound, finding out it was coming from the other side of his door. He scurried to the window to get a peak outside, when in front of him popped out Gandalf, making the Hobbit quickly jump away from the window. As Gandalf moved away from the window, Bilbo walked up to another, only to witness the man leaving his grounds, going back wherever he came from.

Bilbo looked away in thought, before sniffing and walking away from the window, choosing to ignore the man that just walked away.


The day light soon burned out, leaving the dark behind. Bilbo was just about done with cooking his meal. Some carrots, potato's, broccoli and a fish. Just as he set the meal on the table,  he heard a knock on his door. He stopped mid movement, before putting his raised utensils back on the table, choosing to go see who the visitor was.

He unlocked the door and opened it, jumping back a little when there was a Human standing right in front of him "Evening! Veryan, at your service" the boy finished, bowing. 

Bilbo stood there, in shock, before he coughed and slightly bowed himself "Bilbo Baggins. At yours"

Veryan smiled brightly at the shorter one, and moved in, Bilbo being too stunned to protest.

"What a lovely place you have here Mr.Baggins" Veryan commented as he looked around, skillfully missing the hanging chandelier.

Bilbo jumped in motion and closed the door, turning to the boy.

From what Bilbo could see, the young male looked barely above 20, his skin glistening under the chandeliers light, no wrinkle or pimple present. In appearance he was quite good looking, his white hair braided into the black giving off a pleasing contrast along side his tanned complexion, his eye's a beauty to look at, one a navy blue, the other black. Although his appearance wasn't the only thing Bilbo noticed. His attire matched that of a hunter's, comfortable. A thick stick and a black case rested on his back.

(It's basically this, im not too good at describing clothing. Credit goes to waxsnake on devian art)

"Oh, um, thank you" Bilbo finally answered, unsure

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Oh, um, thank you" Bilbo finally answered, unsure. 

He sighed and walked after the male who was slowly making his way through his house "Look, do we know each other? Why are you here?" 

Veryan smiled down at him, before looking back up "Im sure we haven't yet met Mr.Baggins. And i came here on the behalf of Gandalf" 

Bilbo scrunched his eyebrows, frowning "Gandalf? Listen, I don't-" "A Library!" Veryan cut Bilbo off in excitement as he ducked and went into the little library, plopping himself down on the ground whilst looking through the much smaller books.

Bilbo was prepared to comment again, when he heard yet another knock coming from his front door. He sighed, and unwillingly went to his door, opening it to reveal a Dwarf. Not much taller than Bilbo, having a long beard, and hair all around his head, yet, not on top of it. 

"Dwalin, at your service" The Dwarf spoke, much like Veryan, and bowed to Bilbo. 

"Hm. Uh...Bilbo Baggins" 

Dwalin moved into the hole as Bilbo spoke "Do we know each other?" 

The Dwarf stopped in his place, turning his head to look at the Hobbit "No" he simply answered as he moved again.

"Which way, laddie? Is it down here?" Dwalin asked as he threw of his cloak.

Bilbo once again furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "Is what down where?" 

"Supper" the Dwarf simply answered as he threw his cloak at Bilbo, moving further into the house "He said there'd be food, and lots of it" 

"He...He said? Who said?" Bilbo asked after the Dwarf, but Dwalin ignored him as he moved to the kitchen, spotting the pre-made fish, sitting down in Bilbo's seat to eat it.

The Wizard and The PrinceNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ