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Hikado plonked down the steps to the dungeon, where he had previously left Reina. He'd had to take care of matters and had not been able to tend to her. All he had to do was apologise and then everything will get back to normal. He would still have her power within his grasp and he could get to making that power retrieving po- He stopped.

The room was empty. Though left with blood stained floors, Reina herself had escaped. His anger levels were rising, his heart thumping deafeningly in his chest and his fists clenched so tightly that it seemed as if it would fall from his very wrist.

"REINA!" He shouted, angrily. But all it did was echo with no reply. "Damn it!"


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Reina's breathing slowed and she slid down the wall. She knew that she'd left her only possibility of surviving her convulsions and the poison, behind at Hikado's den. But she could not stay there any longer, knowing that what Uzuki said was the truth.

Then she remembered the thing that Chika had given her. Taking it out of her jacket pocket, she inspected it with curiosity. It was a small brown box that had nothing out of the ordinary. She recalled Chika's words. It was something his grandfather had wanted to give her. It was unusual. What connection could she possibly have with a random old man of Chika's? Unless she'd done something to his family.. Well then.

Slowly she took out the piece of parchment paper from the box and unrolled it. The paper held a letter. Presumably from his grandfather. She sat down and read what she could. Thankfully, it was written in hiragana.

I'm not exactly sure how to start this letter. But I guess I should answer your first question. Yes, this is addressed to you, Reina the Spider.
If your second question is how I know your name, this is because I knew you long before you were born. Your father was a rich man that used to be a friend of mine. I'm afraid he has been blinded by money and power and will possibly never return.
If your second question is why I'm writing to you, let me explain. I was the man who gave you the fruit. It is what is known as the Devil Fruit, well one of the many types. In the older days, many pirates used this as a source of power and a way to defeat enemies. Of course, it was not only used by pirates. But I won't go into detail about that. It's a long story.
Anyway, I know your history, perhaps I may be one of the few who really do. Your name is Sakomora Reina. You're a young and shockingly perceptive girl who grew up with parents who work all the time. I'm sorry if this painful for you to remember, but I also think that you may not remember them much. They worked the full percentage of your young life, and never had the chance to bond with you. I'm sorry for that. But then they finally divorced and abandoned you at your age of eight and you were orphaned to the streets. I also know about the event with Sera, and I will try not to bring that to light either; it must've held terrible memories for you.

I'd hoped for maybe myself or someone else to take you in or adopt you, but I realised that I did not have the capacity to do so. Thus the Devil Fruit. I gave you that, in hope that you would survive in the dark underworld. I know it may not have been the best choice, but I had the Devil Fruit at my disposal and I couldn't think of anything else to do for you. Please, my apologies on that.
But now, I have also seen what you are doing with it. I know your motives and I know it is hard, but please, if there is light, if there is hope, seize and hold on to what little goodness you have in your life.
Reina, in life, there will be more and more people trying to steal your powers away from you. So the best advice I can give you is to always stay alert and careful, and tell your enemies that you are a strong warrior. That will reduce the chances of whatever bad things life has for you, by a bit. Because having such a Devil Fruit, which almost does not exist at all in this world, can give you power and wealth, but it can also create great enemies for you. So please, I advise you, be careful. Or if you want to take the safer and harder route, do not use your powers at all. That will give people the illusion that you have lost them.
I know this is a lot to take in and much of your pain may have been caused by me. Or by your parents abandoning you. But you have to stay strong and take careful measure. And I must say, I'm really sorry if I was the cause of all your pain. But I was only doing what I thought was best. That may not be good enough for you, but the past cannot be changed.
Reina, if you do find that small ray of hope that I mentioned before, do take it. It may be someone or something in that might make just a little better for you. Or maybe, everything bad will go away. I hope for someone, a friend, a lover, anyone to be there for you. So whatever friend you find on this rough journey called life, do not abandon it. Don't tell yourself you don't deserve it, because you need that person. Seek friendship. Seek love.
Overall, I'm sorry that I could not warn your of the dangers of the world or help you avoid them. I tried to tell you and help you but I'm afraid I have done it too late. I could not reach you before. I am writing this on my death bed and hopefully a relative of mine will pass this on to you, so that maybe this will uncloud and troubles you are going through.
But maybe I will not die, if God is gracious to me. If this is the case, which I'm sure it will be, find me at the house you met me before. If you don't remember: 24A Samurai Street. I will be there. If not, someone will be. I am sure of it.
Please, dear Reina, I do hope that you find your light in life. Even in this mist of darkness. Because, Reina, you deserve so much more. I am sorry I could not give what you deserve to you. And remember, there is always someone out there loving you. I do love you too, Reina. Like you were my own grand daughter.

Signed, Kudo Gen (the old man who gave you the fruit - if you forgot)

Her tears dripped on to the paper, blotching the ink. This was the man. This was the man who had most likely saved her. If she didn't have her powers, she couldn't even think about the possibilities. Reina had never felt this emotional. He'd care for her so much, thinking of her even on his death bed. How could she be the main subject of someone's mind? And she knew he was right. She had to take hold of the one ray of light in her life. The first thing that came to mind was Tetsuki. It seemed like fate. The letter and him.

Reina hugged the parchment paper to her chest, smiling sadly in her tears. Thank you so much, old man Kudo-san. I will thank you forever, no matter how much you apologise to me.


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