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The mission guys filed into the den, chattering loudly and laughing. The main subject of talk: how easy the mission had been. Reina paid no attention as the same clouding questions banged about like a whirlpool in her head.

Every single Uzuki had said seemed real; she recognised it when he lied. But she just couldn't believe. Everything that had been real seemed to crumble to the floor, creating a broken mess for her to walk in. Reina usually didn't care, but she couldn't not care. Not when she'd blamed herself so many times for kill Tetsuki, finding revenge in Uzuki's death, and then finding out that Uzuki wasn't the one behind it all.

"How was it, ya'll?" his loud voice boomed as he approached them with a hearty smile. He was the one behind it all. Hikado's attention fixed on Reina and his grin grew bigger. "Ah! And the main character! Don't worry, your part is done so I'll get the healing part done soon."

Regardless to his warmth and his happy tone, Reina could find no comfort in his assurance. Something about him wasn't right. She had put her minimal trust in him and- what now? Reina didn't know how to react to him anymore.

Suddenly, there was a shout from somewhere beneath where she stood. It was faint, but it resonated across the room. Everyone froze and Reina's gaze steeled. "....!"

It's not possible. It's not possible! She screamed at herself, but her body started moving at will. Before she knew it, she was pounding down the stairs. Towards Hikado's personal dungeon.

Hikado and several of his men followed, inwardly cursing and muttering vulgar words that shall stay unmentioned. Everything had been going according to plan, and then them! How dare they! Hikado pulled at his own white moustache. He couldn't stop Reina. Just when he had her in his grasp! His stomach boiled.

Reina rammed the doors of the dungeon and they flung open, sending a gust of wind into the caged place. Reina's eyes glazed over and the tears stung her eyes. Her mouth went dry and her insides were icy cold. It had to be a ghost, it couldn't be- But- Reina bit her lip, forcing the tears to disappear. Her arms went limp beside her and her head felt dizzy. Everything she believed, vanished. A drop of tear tumbled down her cheek.

On the other side of the bars, Tetsuki had to grip the bars tighter to stop himself from crying out with tears. He had the desire of fire to barge through the cage and hug her but everything stood between them. She's here, he thought to himself. Why is that when she's finally so close, I can't reach her?!

"Reina!" Chika suddenly cried out, breaking the tension. Both were speechless, too stunned to speak. Reina's eyes fluttered in shocked and she recognised his face. But before she could ask how he knew her name, the man barged into the dungeon and scowled at the two opposing side.

"Shut up!" he roared. "Restrain her!" Three huge, bulky men grabbed her arms and pushed her fiercely towards the wall, nailing her to the stone with their elbows before tying her up. She cried out hoarsely in pain. The elbows dug into her skin and bone, and her back was completely out of bounds, meaning her most powerful weapon was completely sealed.

"Hikado!" She screamed. "Hikado, you liar!" Tears tumbled down the face blurring her vision and her face went red with anger. "HIKADO!"

But he ignored her as he quickly ordered another three guys to unlock the cage and pull them out. The other three joined them. "Throw them outside and never let them back in!" he shouted. The dungeon was a flurry of activity as Chika, Tetsuki and Hozuki struggled, shouting at Hikado in anger, and his men tugged and pulled at them, gripping their arms with super strength. Reina could do nothing but watch them as their blood was spilled on the floor, her heart wrenching in agony.

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