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The bank rose up to the sky like heaven had dropped a staircase down to earth and had decided that it would be where humans retrieved their money. It was quite a sight that Reina hadn't seen in a long time. She used to come here often with the orders from the Red Gang. She'd missed its majestic atmosphere. A place she didn't belong, yet came so often. Just to admire.

She felt guilty when she really thought about it. Money wasted on a useless citizen such as her. But there was no choice. Reina shouldn't have cared anyway. No one cared about her, why care about them. Her mind flickered to Tetsuki but she brushed it away. He was such a good person that she'd only feel more guilty if she thought about him.

Darting out of sight and into the alleys near the bank. It was the usual place for people to gather before taking over the bank. It'd been used so many times by the people around her, that it had become almost a tradition for criminals stealing from the bank.

But just as she pushed the secret door open, she heard the sound of guns clicking. The Spider spun around and let the door close behind her. Reina almost began to laugh. Men with red scarves tied around their heads - obviously the Red Gang - had circled around her. "You're still trying to kill me? How many times have I told you?" Reina gave a short bark of laughter, her eyebrows knitting together in concern. "Are you guys just desperate or what?"

"Shut yer trap, Spider," a voice she knew so well, said. Reina cocked her head towards the boy. He was only a few years older than her and had been thought as her older brother when she'd still been in the Red Gang.

"You can't blame me for asking, onii-chan," Reina mocked teasingly, "You've definitely not changed from your cold self."

"Says the person who still murders people in cold blood," he sneered, using the pun.

"Uh uh. You can't say that. Your guys came at me first. Anyway, you should already know this doesn't work," her eyes glimmered evilly. "You disrupted my theft assignment. And it was important too. So now... you're going to pay."

The men came at her almost immediately, quicker than they'd ever before. She tried not to show her shock as she jumped out of the way, quickly sprouting her spider legs. She'd been practicing again, and now she could do more than just ten legs. Six legs from both sides lashed out, stabbing everything in its path. After that unleashing attack, there were only a few left.

The fight felt like a game, she'd go for the attack but somehow they'd jump out of the way. And then they closed in, before she could trip them up with her legs and quickly insert her venomous legs into their hearts.

Reina grinned, Another refreshing fight with the sickos from the Red Gang. It must be fun to be a part of their dying gang. I'll bet that their the laughingstock of the Kuroi District by now.

Just as she was about to continue on her thieving, a person jumped out of nowhere and choked her, dragging her to the ground. Her eyes grew wide. Now that she thought about it, she'd not seen onii-san's dead body.

But even his surprise attack was useless - seconds later, he dropped lifelessly to the ground, a spider leg retracting from his body.

"Ya'll just never learn," Reina shrugged, wiping the blood off her spider legs and then retracting it. But maybe the excitement had gone to her head, because not long after, she felt a shock go through her body. And then her knees buckled.

Reina shook, her muscles contracted and her eyes widened in shock and fear. Her fingers were tense, yet shaking and completely uncontrollable. No, her whole body was out of control. She was throwing herself back and forwards, screaming like a crazed maniac. Her own body threw itself to the ground and the rocky road scarred her skin. But it was nothing.

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