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Reina didn't need to stay long in prison before Uzuki came, like her savior riding golden chariots. It was meant to be a secret, hush-hush, mission. But plans don't always go the way you want it to.

The prison doors blew open, rubble falling from all directions. The explosion had been louder than the booming cheers of all who'd been caged up, and it didn't take long for Reina to wake up and realise what was happening. Her legs creeped out of her shoulder blades and dangled over ominously overhead. Her eyes seem to glow a mysterious blue as her legs stretched, growing over three meters long and twenty centimeters thick.

Uzuki's motorcycle came quickly, as if knowing that she'd finally woken up. Uzuki sat at the front, driving the motorcycle and he'd secured a space between himself and Yuuji, who waved cheekily at Reina. "Get on."

She sighed and reluctantly squeezed herself betwixt the two older boys. The motorcycle revved, flying at its hind wheels before zooming off into the distance. Several more followed, most likely Uzuki's guys.

"You woke me up way too early," Reina grumbled under the noisy engine of the motorcycles.

"Sorry, my queen," he winked at the girl behind him, causing her to scowl. "Was the rescue mission not to your liking?"

"Your whole being is not to my liking," Reina shot back immediately. Yuuji laughed and Uzuki merely turned away sombrely.

"The Spider, witty and smart-mouthed as always!" Yuuji commented as he patted the shorter girl's head. She swatted his hands away, grumbling about wanting to be in a different motorcycle.

They were quickly back in the Kuroi District, in Uzuki's turf which was usually left untouched by most guys. Unlike Reina. She went wherever she went, and no one dared to tell her off, not wanting to be beheaded because of such a petty complaint.

Motorcycles were thrown to the side and men praised themselves at the successful rescue attempt. Most didn't even know why they'd gone to save the Spider of all people. She was the one person everyone in the Kuroi District despised; she was superior to them all, and she let them know it too. You never know when she might use yo as an example to others.

Reina jumped off the dusty bike and grew two legs from her back, as a caution. She snapped around to Uzuki, who was putting his helmet away. "Now tell me, why'd you come save me? Didn't Yuuji tell you that I didn't need your help?"

Uzuki beamed. "He also told me that you specifically asked for me, Spider-san? I couldn't be more honoured!"

Her scowl deepened even more and she cursed herself for saying those words. Yes, she had wanted to get out of that hell, even if Uzuki was the one doing it, but that didn't mean she liked it. "That's not what I asked. I asked why. And if you don't tell me, I'll get one of your men to. And if they don't," she glared at the guys standing around, "I'll have all your heads."

Yuuji leaned to her hear with a leering, intimidating smirk. "Will you though?" He whispered. It was not only a small group of people who had heard about her 'illness' lately. Everyone knew even though they didn't talk about it.

She lashed out a leg at Yuuji and his body slammed into the wall behind. But his smirk remained, even as blood trailed down his chin.

"Now now, we aren't here to fight," Uzuki said, "But I thought you would've known why, Spider-san!" Reina remembered and somewhere inside her, something puked. "I love you, Spider-san~! And I didn't want you dying like some poor thief! Don't worry, I killed everyone who'd heard about your arrest. You can live safely without rumours going around your back now." He smiled and it was as if darkness itself had dawned on him. "Anything for my Spider-chan."

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