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Steady beeping rang in his ears and for the first time, he experienced a mental blank. Confusion clouded his brain as he creakily sat up and looked around. The room was a sea of white and the bed beneath was much more uncomfortable than his own bed at home.

So I'm not at home, he realised.

It was only a while after, Tetsuki finally felt the weight on his arm. He looked down and saw a mop of pale pink hair he only recognised too well. His deep brown eyes were closed and asleep and his face showed signs of a nightmare. Tetsuki gave a soft smile and chuckled quietly.

The vibration on his arm woke Chika from his dream. He jerked up, breathing heavily and then his worried eyes landed on Tetsuki's own peaceful ones. "Tetsuki!" he cried and that forcefully placed his hands on Tetsuki's shoulders. "Damn! Tetsuki! What the hell were you playing at?! You got me so worried. I went over to your place and then I saw you lying down in front of your house with blood everywhere. I had to call the police and then the ambulance and everything. I was freaking out, Tetsuki! What the heck?!"

"Thank, Chika," was all Tetsuki said. But those words held more than just sounds.

"Te-chan!! Seriously! What the hell happened?!" Chika exploded, "You were acting all dead that I actually thought I'd lost you! It's not funny! I nearly died when I saw you."

"I'm sorry. These gangster looking guys were fighting in front of my house. I tried to stop it but I guess it got out of hand," Tetsuki shrugged and laid back down. His chest was aching and he'd no doubt that it'd been cut open in that fight.

Chika clenched his jaw and scowled. "It was the Spider, wasn't it?"

Tetsuki glanced at his friend, not wanting to admit anything. "It's okay, I'm fine. At least I'm not dead."

The pale haired boy slammed his hands on the bed angrily. "I'm not asking about whether you're fine or not! I'm asking what happened. Tell me, was it the Spider?" His voice was icy, almost murderous.

"It's not what you think. She was there but-" Chika's face tensed to stone and he let go of the bed, kicking the chair that he'd been sitting on before, over. He muttered something and then left the room. Tetsuki sighed. He was afraid of what Chika might do. He hadn't even heard the whole story and Tetsuki knew that Chika's temper could take over sometimes.

He sighed again. "Chika..."


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"Kudo-kun!" Takezo cried in surprise when the first year boy burst into the room. The three boys jumped up in joy and coddled him endlessly. "Eh? I thought you weren't here today, Kudo-kun? Now that I think about it, Takaoka-kun wasn't here today either. Did something happen?"

Kudo picked each of the boys off himself one by one and then dragged his koto out. "Tetsuki was in the hospital. I was staying with him until he woke up." Although he sounded normal, there was a iciness around him that caused them to wonder whether this really was Kudo, the one who brought them all together and was always there for them.

"Tetsuki?!" Kota cried, slapping his face with both hands.

Chika nodded.

"Kudo-kun...? Are you okay? Is Tetsuki okay?" Hozuki asked gently.

"I'm fine," Chika insisted, but his words were hard.

Suddenly, Kurusu spoke up. "Hang on, I heard that there was another fight with some guys and the Spider last night. It was near our school, near the houses and this boy our age got seriously hurt. Was that... Was that Takaoka-kun?" Her question was gentle, but it hit them like a brick. The room was quiet.

Chika gritted his teeth and nodded. "It happened in front of his house but he's fine now."

Despite his assurance, the club's atmosphere couldn't help but feel a little tense all day.


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The grey walls, the even greyer ceiling and the thick metal cell doors; it felt like hell. As if life itself had stripped itself away from such a place as this. How could anyone survive like this? But somehow, she couldn't bring herself to break out of this menacing cage.

Maybe I was always meant to be here. To live life like this. I wonder how all those poor doofuses who always get caught by the police, feel. I guess some lives really do revolve around a prison like this. She sighed and banged her head against the wall. Life really sucks.

"Food will be served to you soon," a voice said from outside the cell. She didn't answer. Reina knew that whatever food that came would probably be less than little. Giving her food was, of course, a luxury she wasn't supposed to have.

She heard what sounded like a swap of people and then the keys turned to her cage. Reina rubbed her eyes and sat up, her bored expression displayed on her face. Her eyes immediately went wide when she recognised a face.


The blonde haired boy grinned and made a peace sign with his finger as he slid the tray of food towards Reina. "Spider! Didn't think I'd ever see you in prison," he smirked. He was one of the well known guys from the Kuroi District who often made trouble with the police. He was almost like Uzuki's right hand man and Uzuki was not a person to mess with. But Reina had come across him once, which were other words for nearly killed him but decided to spare him. She'd no idea why Yuuji was here. Serving her food as well, out of all things.

Reina pursed her lips and glared at him. "What are you doing here, you blonde freak? Got a job with the police or something? Unlikely that Uzuki would let you," she said as she snatched the tray and glanced at the food. A small bowl of rice and water.

Yuuji shrugged. "Who knows why Uzuki wants me here. But I know it always results in something fun with him," he gave a nasty leer, one of his more famous ones. "And you're his toy today."

Reina had just gulped down her rice when she noticed something scribbled at the bottom. We'll come get you soon. Reina jerked her head up and glowered at Yuuji. "Does Uzuki think that I need him or something?! Because you can go and stuff his face for that. I don't need your help, assholes." She threw the plastic bowl at Yuuji angrily. "If you wanna come save me, do it quickly. And ask Uzuki to do it himself. That half-assed jerk."

The blonde haired boy straightened and smiled, "I don't order Uzuki around, but I'll pass it on."


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Is It Okay To Have Dinner With The SpiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora