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Chika spat on the ground, blood mixed with saliva and spit. His body was marked with bruises, stab marks and blood, but overall, he was fine. Hikado lay on the rocky asphalt floor. His eyes were rolled to the back of his head and red sticky stuff dribbled out of his mouth.

The fight had lasted much longer that Chika had expected, going from a while after midnight, to almost a four in the morning, He knew school would be starting school, but it was unlikely that neither him nor Tetsuki would be going to school that Tuesday. He had just won a physical fight with the greatest criminal mastermind in their city, and Tetsuki was most certainly busy treating to Reina. Even he had seen how bad of a shape she had been in. Chika didn't even want to think about her chances of survival. It was too slim.

As he had expected, Tetsuki had left his phone just around the corner. Chika bent down to pick it up and sent a message to a group chat which consisted of him, Tetsuki, Mittsu, Sane and Kota.

Chika: Won't be at school today. Tell Megane-kun that I am not skipping - I just can't go. I will be back tomorrow. I think. Don't worry about me.

He pressed send and his phone sounded as his text went through, appearing on his screen in a green bubble. Chika wondered if anyone was up right now. Tetsuki might be. But the other three would most likely be sleeping. If Sane wasn't playing video games.

There was a reply.

Tetsuki: Me neither.

Surprisingly, the messages had been read. The other three were up. This early too.

Kota: Huh?! Why? Are you guys having a secret meeting or something together without us?! That's mean. I'm coming then.

Sane: Don't Kota. It'll be bad for your already-low grades.

Mittsu: They're probably not doing that anyway, right?

Chika: Of course not. Don't be dumb.

Tetsuki: What Chika said.

Sane: Are you guys okay though?

Tetsuki: I have a guest over at my house - relative. I am spending the day with them.

Mittsu: Oh okay.

Kota: Well, then. I won't skip school.

Sane: Ok. What about you Chika?

Chika: The same.

Mittsu: Liar!

Chika: Ok, fine. I'm really tired. I got no sleep last night and I need an extra day to finish my assignments.

Sane: What an obvious lie.

Kota: I believe it. I mean, I would do the same.

Chika exited the group chat as they continued on, the phone pinging like crazy, and went into the private chat he shared with Tetsuki. He hesitantly hovered his fingers above the keyboard. Unsure of what to write. He sighed.

Chika: Is she okay?

Tetsuki: I don't know yet.

Chika: Tell me when she is.

Tetsuki: Yeah.

Chika turned off his phone and yawned. He wanted to get some shut-eye before he started on those assignments. Away he went, towards Isaki's house.


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