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The eight men were exactly where Hikado had said they would be. Reina had previously not trusted his source of information, but this confirmed that they were legitimate. It was, after all, a difficult thing to find such accurate sources. Directly west of the old swimming pool, behind the pizza bar and in the largest alley. There were the eight disloyal men of Hikado, each stronger and faster than an average person. Reina would finally be fighting with someone on her level of skill and strength after a long time. She sighed deeply.

"Remember, Windmill Formation," Yamato said into his headpiece, which then echoed in Reina's own ear. All the other guys had surrounded the alley, and were further away from Yamato and Reina.

"What is the Windmill Formation again?!" she suddenly hissed from beside Yamato. He glanced at her and sighed.

"Why didn't you ask beforehand?! And anyway, you aren't involved in it so quit asking unnecessary questions!" he whispered angrily.

She folded her arms. "Fine then, show me this amazing formation of yours." Honestly, she just wanted to see how a successful group would work together. It was something she had not experienced in a long time. But even in gangs, she usually worked alone in single formations, with others to back her up if needed; which was never.

After Yamato's count, it was as if a firework had exploded. The eighteen men sprung out from all directions, weapons of every kind in their hands. Their smirk was evil and cunning, tempting Reina to join in the action. But she knew what she had to do.

As the men fought in front of her, sneakily and silently, she started ascending to the roof. All twelve of her legs - yes, she had evolved again - were out and flexed beneath the moonlight. When she was finally standing above them all, she counted the total assailants in front of her. There are eight men. The other four legs for emergencies, I guess.

Reina took a deep breath. The first step to my revenge. She dangled her leg from the edge of the roof dangerously, and then she fell. There was a minute for her to position her landing and the aim of her legs as she dropped through the cutting night air. It must be perfect.

And it was. Pained cried of agony could be heard all around the alley, as her sharp spider legs pierced through their chests, their hearts. The blood trickled from their body, soiling their clothes and enveloping the grey ground with red blood mixed with green venom. It was not a pretty sight. "Pity," Reina drawled, "I didn't even get to play with them. But they're already wasting my time."

Yamato cocked his head and grinned, "Saying your usual bitter lines to end their lives? Lame Spider, real low."

She scowled and a spider leg shot at his chest, nearly cutting him clean. But it hovered in the air. "Shut up, Yamato. Or else the last face you'll see is mine, you jerk," she rasped.

He smiled and drew his pinched fingers across his lips, as a sign of silence.

"Get to searching boys. I want the tracking devices as soon as possible," she said to the other men. They reluctantly nodded and bent down to search every blood drenched body.


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The car sped along the murky night and the abandoned streets of the Kuroi District shook and rumbled beneath them. The Kuroi District was also known as the Lost District to the authorities. It was a place so full of thieves and killers that they had lost the will to patrol the place, let alone kill of those who resided there. It was abandoned and the government no longer considered it part of their responsibility.

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