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Cold was the night, but it didn't have any effect on Yamato; he was one of Hikado's superhumans. He'd been under the evil scientist for quite some time, coming to and going from the den. Yamato was what Hikado would call one of his most trusted men. He was a genius for theft, and was usually where Hikado's income came from. Along with Yamato's own group of men.

"He knows your name, but he won't tell us. He uses it like his giant weapon or something," Yamato said, leaning agains the same wall as Reina as the zephyr kissed their faces.

"I'm not sure if I should be honoured, or annoyed," Reina answered curtly. "What are you doing out here anyway? Your presence is disturbing me."

Yamato snorted. "Sure, but I don't care. Hika-san asked me to get you. You've been out here too long."

"Hika-san?" Now it was her turn to snort. "What kind of nickname is that? He used to hate people calling him that. I guess things have changed much since I was last here."

"It's supposed to be a pleasure to call him by his nickname, but you're right. I don't know if I like it or not either. It's pretty cringe. But it kinda shows you're tight with the big guy, so I use it," Yamato replied.

Reina stood up and sighed, turning to go into the den. "And that's why you don't tell people your name. They'll give you some ridiculous nickname that will not go unsaid." She paused. "I did give him that name though."

"What?! Really?! That makes you a living legend!"

Hikado's den, a place where he did his research, superhuman transformations and live, was also a refuge for his men. Those who had nothing to do, stayed there. The place had a complicated layout, almost entirely a labyrinth to keep non-Hikado men, out of it. Reina, having lived in it for two years, knew it like the back of her hand.

The pair strode through the corridors confidently. Although Hikado's superhumans were usually called Hikado's men, Reina spotted a few women whilst she glided on the surface of the rocky floor. Well that's new, she noted.

Having finally arrived at the boss' office or meeting room, Yamato creaked the doors open and alerted the scientist of their arrival. "Come in, already you idiots," Hikado snapped.

"A bit annoyed, I see?" Reina remarked when she entered the room, "Uzuki frustrating you again? Don't worry, it's his specialty." She pulled out a chair and sat down abruptly.

"You catch on quickly, Spider," he snarled and then grinned. "Anyway. We should get down to business. I want to wipe the pest out of the Red Sanctum as soon as possible; he's been causing some riots there and it's really getting on my nerves. I assume you agree, Spider."

Yamato rolled his eyes and took a seat next to Reina. "Cut the crap, boss. I think the Spider will be pointing her ends of those legs towards us if we don't hurry it up. And don't mind me, but I'd like to be kept away from those venomous knives," he winked at Reina who shot him an unamused glare and turned away.

"Alright then, here's the deal." He spread out a piece of blank paper. "What we all want-" Hikado quickly scribbled something down in the middle of the page and circled it hastily. "Defeat Uzuki - why? - Because he's taking my men and he's causing riots in my town. Oh, and also because he's...." He looked up at Reina. "Why do you want him dead again?"

She scowled. "It doesn't matter. Your reasons can stand alone," she nodded at the paper, "Keep going." Reina could barely read his writing, let alone understand them; but she knew that he was doing something. And that was better than what she'd been doing all this time.

"Okay then. Next: how? I say we take out my men first."

"Take out your men? Hika-san? Are you sure?" Yamato asked cautiously.

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