Vol. 5 Chapter 6 Now, we reached part 69! Lucky number, isn't it?

Start from the beginning

"Haha! If I'm in Sakayanagi-San's situation. I will negotiate with my challenger and I won't let other classes know about our discord. It will be our weakness. But---" Hirata said. "If I was Sakayanagi's san, she would destroy her challenger, making sure that he wouldn't dare to challenge her again and she would be the only one who held the power."

I raised my eyebrows.

"You seem to know Sakayanagi very well."

"My clubmate is in class A. He was in Katsuragi-Kun's faction. He said that if she and Ryuen were found in the locked room with the gun in their hand. Remember that she shots first."

I looked at Katsuragi's group. "Which is your friend?"

"He is making a tea for Sakayanagi-San."

I just realized that Hirata use the word was.


The next competition was calvary wars. The girl would compete first.

Each cavalry would be made from 4 students and each class would send 4 cavalries. Therefore this game was an 8-8 battle. The 4 people left would become substitutes. (I would be in this group too.)

The scores would be calculated from how many cavalries you could steal their headband in three minutes and how many your cavalry left. Each cavalry cost 50 scores. But there was the commander from each class that cost 100 scores. 

Our cavalries were Horikita, Kushida, Karuizawa, and the commander, Mori. 

The strategy was to let the weakest one be commander and other cavalries surrounded to protect her. And also, everyone believed that Mori was the great detective. So she must have a great plan for fighting.

Alas, before they went out to the battlefield. I heard Inogashira who carried Mori mumbling;

"I'm a detective! Not the commander!"

As soon as the game started. Ibuki roared and flung to Horikita.

No, not just her. Everyone in class D attacked Horikita at the same time.

"Oi! What the..." Sudo lost his calm. He stood up with worry.

It looked like they wanted to defeat Horikita.

"It's Ryuen's order for sure. " Yukimura said with anger.

"That bastard!" Sudo grabbed his fist. I wiped his back softly to warn him. Sudo flinched and sighed. "No. No. I'm Zen. Don't be angry. Don't be angry. Everything is nothing."

Honami saw Ibuki. She and her friend decided to protect Horikita. Karuizawa fought with another cavalry. Kushida was the only one to protect Mori.

Honami was a great sportsgirl. But she was nothing compared to Ibuki. She started to lose.

"How should we do, Ichinose-San?" Amikura Mako who was a horse asked.

"We need to use that power. " Honami answered calmly.

"B--But--it's dangerous!" Kobashi Yume said with a trembling sound.

"It's the only way. Yume-chan. Ibuki-San is too strong. We need to delete her from the game."

Fujimaki opened his eyes wide.

"Masaka! Don't tell me that class B will unleash that power!!"

"Do you know it? What is it?" Sakagami-Sensei asked.

"No, I don't"

Honami breathed in before letting herself fall to the floor.

"Ha! I got it!!" Ibuki used that moment to grab Honami's headband. We lost the first cavalry...

Classroom of The Elite FanFic: Ayanokoji The Lucky bastardWhere stories live. Discover now