Vol. 1 Chapter 2 Swimming Class

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Someone said the men's brain is at their lower body, not their head.

This is the nature of male creatures.

But we are the male humans, not the male animal.

If everyone was controlled by their desire, the world would be a savage place.

Buddhism has the five most important interdicts called Seela 5.

The third one is Kamesumicha Jara Veramanee Sika Pathangsamathiyami.

In conclusion. Don't be too horny.  You shouldn't cheat your lover or sexual harassment anyone.

And now, At the swimming class, by the pool. I felt like my classmate completely forgot those interdicts.

I was here, surrounded by the horny teenager.

It was a week since I began my new life as a high schooler. At first, I was afraid that I would never get friends. But in the end, Ike came to talk with me and invite me to join the class D man's group.

Our class began to group very quickly. Ike and Yamauchi closed with Sudo Ken, the red-haired man who walk out of the class on the first day. I heard that he was good at basketball but easily get mad. Ike told me that Sudo almost fought with the senior at the department stall for once. I still wondering why Sudo came closed with Ike and Yamauchi.

And I more wonder why Sudo joined this plan.

"Actually, I ain't interest this plan, you know?" Sudo said. "It's grossed. What will you do if the girls find out?"

"Why, Sudo? Are you afraid?" Ike said with a smug face.

"Yeah. I've never thought you're a chicken." Yamauchi teased him.

Sudo scowled at them and roared. "Nobody calls me chicken! Of course, I will join you idiotic gambling."

I felt like Sudo would be the one who make his mom fall in love with him.

However, I was surprised that Sudo didn't do anything more than headbutting Ike and Yamauchi. Is this power of friendship? If it was me, who didn't close with him, said that. I was sure I would be in the hospital right now.

"So. Dealer. Let  me see your gambling rate." Hondo, one of my classmates, said.

"Sure, sir. Here." Doctor handed the tablet over Hondo. His real name is Sotomura. But for some reason, everyone called him Doctor.

On the tablet is the  Excel sheet with the name of the girl and the bets. Bet for what? you might ask. They were bet which girl in the class had the biggest breasts.

According Doctor's information. He predicted the blue-haired girl name Hasebe Haruka's is the biggest. Her odds are 1 for 8. 

Near the bottom of the odd. There was the girl referred by Black-haired ice princess.

"Who is she?" I asked Doctor.

"Oh. she's the girl who sounded like Nezuko, sir."


"What?" Doctor said with a naive face. "She is the one who sat next to you."

"Horikita Suzune? Why you didn't write her name?"

"I didn't know her name, sir. She never talked with anyone."

Horikita looked like those kinds of characters, I guess. The ice princess,

"So who you will bet for, Ayanokouji?" Yamauchi asked me.

No, I won't join. I almost said it. Until I realized if I didn't join. I would probably be deprived of the group. So I asked.

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