Vol. 4 Chapter 6 Gambling never makes anyone rich, except the casino's owner.

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The fourth meeting started at 20.00 in the same room.

I was the first one who reached the room. After I took Koenji to the bed, I walked toward this room.

Class C's girl and Class A came next. Manabe and her friends were talking to Machida intimately. That boy smiled and seemed to be very self-satisfied.

"We are thinking about hanging out this night, but we can't find any boy. Is Machida-Kun free tonight?"


Honami and Class B, also Yukimura, and Doctor reached the room 5 minutes before the test started.

The last pair was Karuizawa and Ibuki who came into the room at the same time by chance.

Ibuki walked to the corner of the room as always. Karuizawa walked to her regular seat, next to Machida.

Of course, it was captured by Manabe, who probably did it on purpose.

"Hey. It's my seat!" Karuizawa with a grampy face said.

"Hm? Did you buy it or something? If you didn't, find somewhere else." Manabe replied.

"But I want to sit on this seat! Machida-Kun! Said something!"

Machida seemed to be hesitant, and at the same time, he might wonder what he did in his past life to be this lucky.

From his perspective, Karuizawa was prettier than Manabe. But Manabe had two friends with her. Sometimes, it was hard to choose between quality and quantity.

"Machida-Kun! What about we hang out together--privately after this? Or you have agreed to hang out with these girls? If you have done, I will consider I never asked you."


Only this word, the virgin could imagine to the venus.

By ignoring his classmate's hatred glance. He said to Manabe.

"Sorry. Manabe. Karuizawa sit here since the last time. Can you move out?"

Manabe skewed and moved out. Karuizawa looked at them as flouting before sitting down beside Machida and started flirting.

"What a simp?" Yukimura mumbled.

I nodded in agreement. I also wondered about Karuizawa's morals. Having affair was against the third rule in 5 Seela. It was a big sin. And I hated it.

The bell rang as a signal of the new meeting's beginning.

"Ok. Today, I guess class A won't join---" Honami started talking.


Unexpectedly, Machida stood up and walked toward me.

"Are you calling me?"

"Yes. I'm calling you." Machida replied. "I challenge you!"

Was this related to Karuizawa? I wondered if Karuizawa told Machida to shut his mouth. But when I stared at her. She seemed to be confusing.


"Last time. You showed your skill in gambit. And it triggered me! The King of Gambling of class A!"

"Excuse me. Why did everyone have a stage name? Manabe is the queen of gambling, now you are a king?" 

"It's the tradition of ANHS, sir. Everyone who came to this school, except class E of course, will get the stage name! Mines is Doctor!" Doc said.

"Mines is Horikita's female version. " Yukimura said.

"Mines is the Best girl. I didn't know the meaning though. " Karuizawa said.

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