Vol.2 Chapter 8 A little luck

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Ryuen Kakeru stood before Ishizaki, Komiya, and Kondo. He grinned. But Ishixaki couldn't feel happiness from him.

He was angry. But Ryuen Kakeru of class C never showed his angry if it wasn't necessary.

"Are you planning to drop the suit? Kuku." He spoke up.

"Y---yes." Ishizaki nodded. "They said they have a video that proves us started first. If we don't drop the suit, they will show it to school."

"And you believe them? Kuku."

"They said they don't want to fight anymore, they aren't sure who will win---" Kondo said.

"What an idiot!? Kuku." Ryuen shouted. "If they have the incident's video, there is no need to hide it. They will win with no doubt! This means they don't have any fucking video! Kuku."

"Excuse me, Ryuen-San." Komiya raised his hand. "Why do you have to end your lines with Kuku?"

"It's my signature, ok? Kuku."

Ryuen shook his head with boring.

"Anyway Kuku, don't even think to drop the suit! Or I will kill you, Kuku."

"B--but how should we do?" Ishizaki stuttered.

"Just go to the meeting room. And you'll win the case. Kuku." Ryuen replied. "Class D is full of defects. Even Horikita can't fight me, Kuku. They will lose for sure, Kuku!"

Ishizaki looked at his comrade and nodded. If Ryuen said so, everything would go like that.

"I will come with you, Kuku."

Ryuen said and started walking. Their minion ran followed him. He grinned when he saw school buildings.

No one could beat his plan.

Especially that defect from a defect class.


Horikita and Sudo were waiting in front of the student council room.

They didn't dare to say anything.

Ayanokouji told them to wait here. If everything went fine, Ishizaki, Kondo, and Komiya should come here to drop the suit.

Sudo sighed and lean his back against the wall.

Suddenly, he shouted out.


"What's wrong, Sudo?" Horikita turned her face to her classmates.

"Nothing, nothing. My back gets wounded, so when I touched it, it's very hurt."

Horkita nodded. Sudo always flared up. He may be crushed something and get hurt. He should be more patient.

She stared at the door. His brother was behind that door. Horikita always admired her brother. The more she admire, the more she feared to make him disappointed. 

Horikita breathed in, she had to pull herself back. If she showed him her shakiness, he would be disappointed for sure.

A quarter before the trial, Ishizaki's party appeared in the corridor.

Behind them, there was the man with a scary face. Horikita didn't know him. But she could feel danger from this guy.

"Good evening, Sudo," Ishizaki said. "Are you ready to say goodbye?"

"I'm ready. " Sudo said. "Look, although I hate you. But if you have to go out of this school, I will say goodbye to you for sure."

Horikita was a bit surprised. Sudo didn't get angry or anything.

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