Vol. 1 Chapter 0 The Lucky bastard

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What makes each human different?

Someone said their chances.

Someone said their perseverance.

Someone said their account money.

But honestly, It's just their luck.

Many people became the billionaire because they win lottery or slot. Many people became a beggar because of doing something in the wrong time.

Luck is the most important life factor. At least, that man thinks it is.

Luck is something be with you from womb to tomb. It's completely out of control.

But that man disagrees with this.

He believes that human can control their luck. This is the most powerful secret of the universe. Imagine, if you can win all the lottery or your bread will never fall on the ground with the jam side again. What a heaven here.

According to his theory, there is something that can change your luck.

It's the thing be defined by Three words. Karma, Poonya, and Sin.

In the Buddhism. There is a simple philosophy.

Do a good thing, you got a good thing. Do a bad thing you got a bad thing. 

It's just action = reaction.

Buddhism called the action Karma. If you do a good Karma, you will get Poonya or merit. If you do a bad Karma, you will get a Sin. the man who has Punya more than Sin will have a happy life because his Poonya decreases his luck. But when Sin wins Poonya, your life will be covered with the black cloud.

At first, that man tried to make the most capable genius of all time and uses him to conquer Japan. But then he suddenly realizes, why he has to train someone till die to make them become genius when the most important thing is luck. 

Why won't he just make the luckiest man in the world?

He took children to the place called White Room (Why is white, I don't know. They probably don't have the budget for other colors.), teaches them about good morals and the way to do the good thing, improve their Poonya and prevent them from any sin.

In the end, That man reached success.

Although many children couldn't fight with the dirty world and kneeled to their depraved desire.

Two boys passed the test. They will never lose in rock, scissors, paper again.

But half-year later. A boy met the evil culture called RPG games. He loved it so much till play it all day and night. He never came out of his room again and became a hikikomori. 

One day, he went outside to buy a new game. On the way back to White Room, he jumped in the way of the tractors and died from a heart attack.

So there is only one left.

That's man son. The luckiest man in the world. In other words, me.

and I, Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, the luckiest man in the world, are running from my father's hand.

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