Vol. 4 Chapter 10 Summer Night

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The summer night's breath touched my cheek.

The ocean was painted by the dark while our cruise was ready to head back to the land tomorrow.

I was sitting in the cafeteria. The crowd of people in this bar was more massive by the time gone. They came here to talk about the result of the test that would be announced in five minutes.

There were signs of worry on their face. It was understandable that there were the four groups ended the test as soon as the last discussion finished; My Hare group and the Mouse, Rooster, and Pig.

A half-hour later, the Other four groups' tests were finished gradually. Maybe someone was panicked and decided to identify the VIP without certainty.

The last two groups were the Dragon (that Kushida was the VIP) and the Horse (that Minami was the VIP).

At the other side of the cafeteria, I saw Kushida, Sakura, Mii-chan, and Inogashira were sitting there. It was interesting that Kushida was surrounded by the shy girl and the fact that three of her group had a hidden identity.

Inogashira felt my stare so she looked back. I bowed to her, the detective nodded. A second later, my phone rang. It was Inogashira's massage.

See me after this.

I returned my eyes to Kushida's group and found that Inogashira had already turned her interest to her group.

I wondered what she wanted to talk about. Maybe, it was about the test. Inogashira might know what happened. 

"Can I sit with you?" Someone asked beside me. 

When I nodded, Karuizawa Kei sat on the chair next to me and looked into the summer night's sky.

"Here's your phone. " She said and returned my phone to me, I also gave her phone back. "Do you know? I start to believe that you are the luckiest man in the world."

"Hm? What makes you think that?"

"Well. Ichinose-San called you at the exact same time as Matsushita-San. If Matsushita-San didn't call, they would figure out that this is your phone for sure. "

I nodded. "Yes. Luckily. Why Chiaki-Neesan---I mean Matsushita call me?"

Karuizawa giggled.

"This is the funniest part. Matsushita tried to call me because she wants to talk about my asking. But she called the wrong contact! Your contact was next to my name. So she missed it."

Understandable. In alphabetical order, I was the first name in my class, next was Asuma Sana and Karuizawa Kei. Asuma didn't close with Matsushita. So Karuizawa's name would be next to me on Matsushita's phone.


Alphabetical order----

I took a paper out of my pocket and looked at it. Karuizawa looked at me with curiosity.

"It's true---" I mumbled.

"What's true?" Karuizawa asked.

"The VIPs aren't chosen randomly, it was allotment."

"What? How---"

"I will explain it after the result was revealed. " I told her. Karuizawa looked at me doubtfully but she didn't continue asking me.

I decided to change the topic. "Um. How are you and Hirata?"

Karuizawa sighed.

"I think I should apologize to him. And maybe I should continue pretending to date him for now."

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