Vol. 4 Chapter 1 Finally, Peaceful life(?)

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In that room, there was no light but the sunlight came through the small round window beside the four beds laying down on the room. The sunlight shined over two bodies on the second bed from the window.

Those two bodies were the girls.

They hug and wiggled on each other like two snakes fastening. Their hand fondled on their faces, their arms, and everywhere the hand could reach.

Their lips touched, licking on another one's neck.

If you were in that room, maybe you could smell their lust and desire.

On the couch in the corner, a man sitting there was watching them without any blinks.

He rubbed his gun slowly while the dust in the air looked clearly with the sunlight.

The two girls stopped and looked at him as asking the command.

He opened his mouth and whispered.

"Ticklish each other---" He stopped his words for a second. "In a lewd way..."

The girls nodded and handed on each other.

Suddenly the door was opened.

"Kanji! What the hell is going on here!?"


Yamauchi and I stepped into Ike's room. Then, we saw Shinohara and Matsushita doing something that I couldn't and never explain in words. Besides, in the corner, Ike sat there holding the gun. 

"Did I interrupt something?" I asked him.

"No, actually yes. " Ike replied.

"Answer me. Kanji, what's going on here!?" Yamauchi repeated his question. 

"Yurification. " Ike said. "I ask Shinohara and Matsushita to flirt with each other."

"Ok. I won't ask you why you do that. But you two did what he tell?" Yamauchi turned his face to the girls.

Shinohara blushed shyly.

"Well. If Kanji-Kun tell me---"

"Seriously. Shinohara. I'm very worried about your future." I said. "What about you, Matsushita?"

Matsushita Chiaki shrugged her shoulder while climbing down from the bed.

"I'm a big sister, I do what my brother wants me to do."

Somehow, since the inhabitant island test ended. Matsushita founded herself as the whole class's Onee-San. Although I told her again and again that I wasn't her little brother and she didn't need to wash my pants every morning.

"Oh. It's almost noon. Ike-Kun. Onee-San has an appointment with Karuizawa-San after this. I have to go now." Matsushita said. 

"Me too. Bye. Kanji." Shinohara waved to Ike and walked out of the room.

"Okay. See you Matsushita-Chan. Satsuki." 

Matsushita walked to the door. When she passed me, she stopped and said;

"You didn't tell anybody, did you?"

I flinched. I knew what she was talking about.

"I didn't. " I answered her. "And you don't need to ask me every time before lunch."

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