Vol.3 Chapter 3 Harmony

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"Ah, that annoying bitch" Someone damned behind the tree in the forest. I remembered her sound.

Kushida Kikyo.

She was kicking the tree and prayed the cursed.

"That annoying bitch! What's wrong with only a toilet? Are you an idiot?" I was sure that the person whom Kushida cursed was Shinohara. I prepared to walk away without messing with her. But Her next line made me stop.

"That wordless big boob too! You just step in and get attention from the men! Damn you. You have nothing but that pretty face and that big boob, and you become popular? Do you know how much time and effort I take to gain the trust of those idiots?"

Okay, Kushida. I might be simp on you. But no one would shit talk to my little Sakura. I walked out of the shadow of the forest, confronting Kushida. She turned her face to me. That girl didn't even surprise when she saw me.

"It's always you, isn't it? Bastard Ayanokouji." Kushida walked closer to me.

"I don't want to have a problem, okay? I just don't want you to insult Sakura. She's trying to change herself."

"Oh, Do you change your boss now? Last time, I told me to not mess with Horikita."

"They both are my friend. " Although Horikita didn't think that. "I understand why you are angry at Shinohara and Horikita though. Even I was often anger at Horikita. But Sakura--please, how can you hate her?"

Kushida laughed.

"What a double standard? I hate everyone who makes me displeased. I hate you because you try to act like a good guy but you can't resist the truth that you're a rascal. I hate Horikita because she acts arrogant and thinks she's superior to everyone else. I hate that trio idiot because they're idiots. I hate Hirata because I am sicked that he tries to make a fake peace in the class. I hate Karuizawa because she always acts shit. I hate Shinohara because she's annoying. I hate Hondo because he always talks about his health problem without context. I hate Koenji because he's fucking narcissist. I hate Matsushita because her ears were so scary. I hate Mii-Chan because I hate loli. I hate Yukimura because he's like Horikita. I hate Chabashira-Sensei because that bitch never helps our class. And I hate Sakura because I don't want anyone else to steal my popular!"

She glared at me with scary eyes. "But don't worry, Ayanokouji-Kun. I won't do anything to Sakura. Although she make me angry this time. The boys will lose their attention to her when time passes. She isn't the bright cute girl who loves everyone like me."

I sighed. "I hope so. At least you just cursed her."

"Right. There is someone else you have to beware of if you want to protect your little Sakura." Kushida said. "Leader in a herd need to conquer the new strong herd's member to prove its strength. Sakura is the best prey."

"What do you mean?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Mo, don't ask me too much, Ayanokouji-Kun." She changed to her cute tone. "Secret makes a woman be a woman."

Kushida giggled and reached her hand to me. "And don't tell anyone what you see. There was no CCTV in this forest."

She tried to grab my hand, but I moved my hand away. Kushida tried to grab it again and I could escape her hand again.

"I don't miss twice," I told her. Suddenly her tears came out of her eyes.

"Uwa! Ayanokouji No Baka! Why don't you let me blackmail you!? I hate you!"

She cried and ran away like a child.

What the hell was going on?

I shrugged my shoulder and continue finding Ike. Although Kushida's word was stuck in my head.

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