Chapter 22 👨🏻‍🏫❤👮🏼‍♀️

Comenzar desde el principio

Paula: hello mom! (She said smiling) daddy is back mummy! You won't be sad anymore and you won't cry anymore! He's there ! But he is in pain, the vase fell on his head...

I cut her.

Me: mom knows everything sweetie...

Raquel turns to me.

Raquel: yes and I'm crazy...

So she's still mad at me.

Paula: no mum you're not crazy.

Raquel: yes, I'm "a little crazy".

Me: Raquel...I'm sorry...

Raquel turns her back on me and starts cuddling Paula, it's better that I get out of the room, I was about to open the door...

Raquel: I'm going to change and we're going to the hospital...

I nod my head, I don't want us to argue again. I take my clothes, and I go to shower and change in the guest room.
After a few minutes Raquel leaves the room.

Raquel: Let's go...

I take the car keys and we go to the hospital, Raquel remained silent during the whole trip, I really don't know what to do to make her forgive me!
We arrived, the doctor examined me, he told me that I have nothing serious, he gives me what I need to do to get better, and we go back to the car.

Me: you saw, I told you that I have nothing, I'm fine! (I say smiling)

I'm trying to create a discussion.

Me: You're worrying for nothing!

She glares at me, what have I done again!?

Raquel: I'm crazy and I WORRY FOR NOTHING!

Me: Raquel I...

Raquel: don't say anything anymore, don't talk to me anymore! add a word and I'll go home by taxi!

I don't understand her anymore! I did not do anything ! I say nothing, she goes to the car, she sits on the driver's side, I sit on the passenger side without saying a word.

Raquel: The keys... put them in my hand without touching me!

I carry out her order without speaking.

Raquel: I don't like the way you drive, it makes me sick. (She said while starting the car)

I watch the road.

Raquel: why don't you answer me? Do you take me for a crazy!?

Me: no Raquel it was you who told me...

Raquel: don't say anything anymore, I hate you.

Is she serious!?

Raquel: I tell you that I hate you and you say nothing!?

Me: Raquel it was you who told me not to talk anymore and...

She's starting to cry! Fuck ! what is happening to her!? I do not know what to do. We got home, she runs out of the car and goes to lock herself in our room.

Me: Raquel!

I knock on the door.

Raquel: Go away! (she said crying)

Me: Raquel my love please open the door for me.

Raquel: I don't want to!

Me: come on sweetheart please, I'm afraid for you, I love you.

Raquel: Is that true?

Me: yes my love I love you more than anything.

She opens the door for me, I wipe her tears and take her in my arms.

Me: I love you my love.

We sit on the bed.

Me: tell me, what's wrong with you my love?

Raquel: I don't know Sergio I'm not myself anymore, and I thought you don't love me anymore because of that!

Me: Raquel it's completely normal you're pregnant it's the hormones that make you like that...

Raquel: You mean driving me crazy...

Me: Raquel! I swear I was kidding! Forgive me please !

Raquel smiles.

Raquel: That's it, you're forgiven, but I want chocolate ice cream.

I smile.

Me: Why didn't you tell me before? Wait, I'll bring you the whole ice cream truck. (I say before getting up)

Raquel bursts out laughing, I don't think she knows I'm serious.
After a few minutes, I bring the ice cream truck to Raquel.

Me: Raquel! Paula! I brought you an ice cream truck!

Raquel: Were you serious?!

Me: well yes!

Paula: YEAH! Thank you very much dad! (She screamed jumping around)

Paula was very happy, but Raquel remained shocked.

Marivi: I want ice cream too!

I laugh.

Raquel: you're crazy!!

Me: yes I am crazy, crazy in love with you!

She laughs, she leaves to eat ice cream, I leave too, when we finish we give free ice cream to all the children we find.

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