Two Old Teachers

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After dealing with the mess, who is now a pack of bones, Tang Wulin went back into the building to check out for any clues.

Even after a thorough search, he couldn't find any relevant clue. The only lead he had is about the remain four bases spread out in all four directions. Which lead him to the conclusion that these small groups where not part on the main cult. They were simply lackey who did not know anything about the rest of bunch. They had no connection whatsoever.

So if Tang Wulin did not take down that evil soul master, then he wouldn't have been able to able to know about any of the others even if he stumbled upon Su Yuan's team.

But that's where the good news comes in, he has a lead. And that's not all...

Tang Wulin walked up to a towering structure covered with a dusty sheet. Tang Wulin touched the sheet, feeling what was hidden behind it.

With a slight pull, the sheet was ripped away. Dust fluttered through the air, but it couldn't hide the magnificent creation hidden underneath the sheet.

It was a spirit mech, in need of a bit maintainence, but it didn't lose the black luster from the metal.

Obviously, it was a black mech, the highest grade mech below the red mech. It was much compact compared to the common white or yellow mech.

Tang Wulin couldn't help but wonder how on earth did Su Yuan manage to get his hands on such a mech. After all, black mech production cost could drive a community to poverty and may still won't be enough. Especially from the fact that it's core is spirit forged.

That proved that these guy had big backers who were not just evil soul masters. They had sponsors. But this was something Tang Wulin already knew.

Tang Wulin raised his arm, and dialed a number on his soul communicator.

"Vice Sect master, I need your help with something.


The next day, early morning, a truck arrived infront of the abandoned building, followed by a soul car. Tang Wulin called Zang Xin, asking for materials for the repair of the mech. Tang Wulin knew the price would be very expensive since this was a black mech they're talking about but Zang Xin assured he could get the materials.

But, The two who got out of the truck surprised Tang Wulin. If it were in his previous life, he would have already referred to them as master and Uncle master.

They were Zhen Hua, the divine blacksmith of the entire doulou continent and Mu Ye, the Body Sect master. Tang Wulin was taken aback but kinda understood why they would be here

"You must be Tang Wulin", Zhen Hua came forward and spoke. "I was surprised that that the Amorous doulou would go as far as asking Mu Ye for help for a young man like you. He must think really highly of you", he said with a handsome smile.

"It's an honor to meet you, your highness ", Tang Wulin bowed.

"Hey, let's skip to the chase ", Mu Ye spoke up. "What I wanna know, why is a kid like you doing with a black mech?". The Tang Sect and body Sect were not exactly on the friendliest of terms, but when the vice Sect master himself called, asking for help, Mu Ye assumed it would be some big figure within the Sect. So helping them out would mean the Tang Sect would be indebted to the body Sect. But when he saw it was actually a kid, it felt like q prank.

"To pilot it of course", Tang Wulin said Frankly. His master is just as eccentric as he remembered. "But it needs some maintenance "

"You're telling me, that you, barely fourteen, is gonna pilot it?" Mu Ye was getting annoyed. He thought that the Tang Sect was insulting him and Tang Wulin’s words weren't helping.

The truth was, when Zang Xin looked into possible options, he found out that Mu Ye was in East sea city, close to Tang Wulin. As he is a red mecha master, who else would be the best choice for help. Also, the materials asked by Tang Wulin were all meant for body refining. And body Sect were experts when it came to body refining. So this relationship would be helpful for Tang Wulin as well.

If it were anyone else, Zang Xin would not even consider this idea, but Tang Wulin's case was different.

The truth was, Zang Xin himself was surprised. He never knew that Tang Wulin could pilot a mech, much less q black mech. But knowing how mysterious the kid acts, and how deep his insights were, Zang xin didn't think of questioning him. For all he know, Tang Wulin may have great knowledge being the son of a God!

Also, he figured that since Zhen Hua is q good friend of Mu Ye, having introduced him to Tang Wulin, a prodigy in blacksmithing would be a good.

"Yes sir"

"And the vice Sect master didn't question anything?", this was asked by Zhen Hua. He himself couldn't believe tang Wulin's bold statement.

"He know I won't ask for something I am not completely confident about "

"He is a cocky brat, I'll give him that", Mu Ye scoffed. He was a bit displeased by Tang Wulin's boast, which he didn't know was, in fact, the truth. "Who are you exactly for him value you so highly"

"I am a rank five. And I could forge spirit alloys as well"

"...You're joking right?"






It took them a moment for the two get out from the shock. Zhen Hua even called Mu Chen to confirm the matter. He tried sentimental card against him on how he gave up on pursuing Yuan Bao'er, only to get lectured by Bao'er.

After all the whole fiasco was settled, Mu Ye and Tang Wulin proceeded with the repairs. Mu Ye was astounded on how good Tang Wulin was with the repairs. Too bad, he didn't know that this guy was already a top mecha pilot in his previous life so knowing basic repairs was obvious.

It took around two hours to finish the repairs. The members of the Tang Sectwho arrived in the spirit car already cleared the area and disposed off the bodies as well. Right afterwards....


The rumbling began (not the AoT kind). It was tang Wulin's stomach. He had already finished most of the rations in the base the other night and the remaining also got devoured by him the morning just before the arrival of Mu Ye and Zhen Hua.

"Looks like someone's hungry", Zhen Hua smiled. "You must have not eaten anything since yesterday "

"...Actually, I did eat today morning ", Tang Wulin scratched the back of his head, his face was a bit red in embarrassment. "There was some food in here but it wasn't enough "

Zhen Hua didn't ask what he was doing here as it was obviously tang sects business and he didn't intrude. But now he was curious why was a boy doing in such a place

"Good thing I brought lunch ", Mu Ye said proudly. "Consider it my treat kid"

Mu Ye was impressed with Tang Wulin's knowledge on mechs. Finding someone as interested in mechs as him compelled him to almost taking him as a disciple but Tang wulin was already taken by the Tang Sect.

After a good meal of ruby shrimp, Tang Wulin was finally full and quickly proceeded on with flying away in the mech, not before greeting goodbyes to the two seniors. As for the two of them...

"He sure can eat...", Zhen Hua said in daze.

"...And fly a black mech...", said Mu Ye, also in daze.

The two had never seen such a monster who was not only a prodigy in blacksmithing and mecha piloting, but also a monstrous eater who finished the entire ruby shrimp prepared by Mu Ye, considering only one would be enough to fill the belly of an ever age soul master.

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