A Savage Puppy

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Su Yuan, the unit leader of the terrorist group set in Heaven Dou city, was examined the blue print of the full city. He and his team were successful in initiating various terrorisms throughout the city in the last three months. But now, all he could do was hole up in their hide out.

Tang Sect was being active a lot recently. Various scouts they sent out were apprehended and the patrols were too strict. They were completely unable to even switch bases.

"I really hope that guy could create some major chaos or we will be stuck here until we are finally discovered ", Su Yuan mumbled.

"Oh don't worry about it. That guy already on his way to hell", a childish voice came right behind him, utterly shocking Su Yuan. His mentality was at the peak of spirit sea realm and was very high among his peers. And yet he couldn't feel the boys presence despite him being right in front of him!

"Who are you?!", Su Yuan roared. But in reply, what he got was vines erupting from beneath his feet, trying to entangle him.

Su Yuan quickly jumped back, releasing his rings. He glanced at the boy and found out he only had three rings while he possessed six.

'So, this kid is only a soul grandmaster? Then how did he take out all of my men and even hide his presence?', Su Yuan wondered, but dismissed thought, 'he is probably using some soul guide'

"Kid, it is really impressive that you are able to take out all of my men. But if you are trying to kill me too, then you are biting more than you can chew ", Su Yuan taunted.

"A dragon doesn't just bite its prey, it devours them", Tang Wulin uttered coldly as murder intent spread out from his body, that sent chill down Su Yuan's spine

Su Yuan quickly activated his martial soul, Savage blood wolf, known for its ferocious attack prowess. He swiped his sharp claw trying to cut the vines that were surrounding him. He was able to push those vines back, but he found it too difficult to cut. The vines had a thin layer of golden scale, that were harder than metal. Every time those vines whip him, not only was he seriously hurt, but was feeling as if his very martial soul was being shaken.

The truth is, Tang Wulin's martial soul or golden dragon king skills should not be able to deal such damage previously. But before the final match against the second year class, he recieved a gift from his grand mother- no a family heirloom was passed on.

The Blue Silver Crown

Blue Silver crown was the treasure, that symbolizes the power over all of the plant beasts. It not only improves the wearer's blue silver bloodline but also provided vast life energy.

So, in Tang Wulin's case, not only did Tang Wulin improve is martial soul which was currently level 39, his fifth seal was also released by the assistance of the vast life energy he recieved.

This further lowered the risks of his seals since there were lots of time before he is 16, when he is required to release the nineth seal to prevent the energy of the Golden Dragon King from building up a lot.

But the fifth seal did give him a chance to withstand the full blown attack of a spirit emperor.

The two were exchanging violent blows, but Tang Wulin was still able to counter most of the punches from Su Yuan. He was using his leg soul bones to not just evade Su Yuan's attacks, but also numbing him using the left soul bone skill, lightning wave

From Tang Wulin's observation, Su Yuan had one buff skill, three attack skills, and one speed skill. As for his sixth skill, it seems like he is just too reluctant to use it.

"Then I guess I'll give you a push", Tang Wulin thought, and jumped back. He reversed his blood flow, and used of technique of the divine dragon nine moves,


As the name suggested, a golden dragon shot out of Tang Wulin's body. It was so fast that Su Yuan couldn't even react properly.

The dragon slammed into Su Yuan, throwing him out of the window behind him.

"Ah, this brings back memories ", Tang Wulin smiled at the pleasant memory.

Two cities away from Tang Wulin, a group of five students walked through the door, looking at soul guide cars before them. That was when, one of them, a boy with brown hear hugged himself, as his body felt a slight chill.

'Why am I getting a bad feeling?', he thought dreadfully, and the faces of two people came to his mind. Scratch that, three people.

"Gu Yue, you aren't planning on beating me up for my comment earlier, are you?"

"Hmm", Gu Yue had her chin, pretending to be pondering something. "How about, not yet"



Tang Wulin jumped out of the window, looking down on Su Yuan, who got up.

Su Yuan felt that his whole body was weakened. His martial soul was trembling. He was afraid, afraid of a soul grandmaster!

"Don't screw with me!"

Su Yuan yelled, and violent energy burst out of Su Yuan's body, as his sixth soul ring, a black soul ring finally lit up.

'Frenzy blood burn"

This skill puts the user in a state of Frenzy, where his only goal would he to destroy his enemy or die trying, an ultimate Trump card

This skill burns the user's very blood and life force, drawing out raw power. A skill Su Yuan was reluctant to use, coz despite the fact that it could even kill a soul doulou two stages above him, Su Yuan enters a coma, where he won't wake up until his body recovers.

It was a state of utter madness and destruction.

"Heads-up kid, he is going all out", Jin Warmed.

Wulin also felt it. He could clearly see how Su Yuan's whole body was burning up, his veins popping out and his eyes were blood red.

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