CHAPTER-1: Another Chance

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"Wulin! What happened to you!", a scream was heard by Tang Wulin, waking him up. The sound was made him want to just hop up and hug the owner.

"Gu Yue", Tang Wulin said with a smile, as he looked at girl with black hair, who was followed by a girl and boy. words couldn't express how happy he was feeling right now. He was able to come back to those happy lives in his memories, where his friends were, where everything was fine, mostly, where she was beside him.

"Boss, what's wrong with your eyes and hair?", Xie Xie yelled in surprise. This brought Tang Wulin to his senses. Confused, he felt his hair, and surprised to find out it grew again. He ran up to the mirror and found out his hair and eyes were blue again as well. "Did my bloodline awaken due to the Trident", he thought.

     He raised his hand released a bit of his martial soul. As he expected, vines appeared in the place of the grass. 'My martial soul awakened into Blue Silver Emperor ', he thought.

"Captain, what's going on ", Xu Xiaoyan asked. Tang Wulin turned around to face his friends with  a hearty smile, "I'm fine, never better. My bloodline awakened, and caused this change. Guys, I'll see you in a while, I just remembered something."

      with that, Tang Wulin ran out of the room, leaving everyone confused.

"What's up with boss?"

"Maybe something really great happened related to captain's bloodline"

     Gu Yue simply stared at way Tang Wulin left, with confusion and doubt.


"They're all here, everyone together ", Tang Wulin thought happily. " That means I could prevent those disasters from happening"

        Tang Wulin sat on a bench, in a park, so that he could think things through.

'So, I was able to travel back to the time I was in Shrek, in exchange to my God rank spiritual power. The Trident was attached to my mental sea, so it was also able to travel with me, probably due to it being a super divine weapon. Now, I could stop all those calamities.

First, Gu Yue leaving us. Second, the destruction of Shrek. Third, saving my adopted parents. Fourth, the abbysal plain absorption should be smoother.

Gu Yue can only be stopped by ending the conflict with the spirit beast. So first, I need to get an understanding of her situation. And I know the best people who could help me out with it. Then, I need to convince her that I could help her out. For that, I need to get the dragon God Core before she could. Atleast it could give me a chance to negotiate. Until I get the core I should talk about this.

Then, the Shrek destruction by God killer missiles. That can only be prevented by knowing about where they were kept, and also raising our distance. But convincing the higher ups are gonna be difficult.

Inorder to save my parents is something I don't know what to do. All I could do is warn them to get away somehow. Or use Tang sect' I need to find a way to explain without telling them about this time travel mess.

And the abbysal plane, for that, I need to talk to grandpa or grandma.

This time, I will solve everything, and I don't care what it takes. this is my second chance. But inorder do all this, I need to get stronger even faster.

"Old Tang, can you hide my spiritual power to that of spirit sea?", Tang Wulin asked.

"Aren't you gonna call me father?", old Tang's voice was heard.

"Aren't you his spiritual imprint? So it's better to call you old Tang not to get confused ", Tang Wulin said.

"Guess you're right. Well I could do that. But how did you reach spirit domain, no divine origin so quickly? And the Sea God Trident,  how did you sommon it?"

" It's better to leave it for now. I need to understand all this properly. I don't know if telling you could change something or not. I'll tell you once I figure everything out myself", Tang Wulin said.


" Teacher Wu, can u you help me meet up with Grand teacher?", Tang Wulin asked his teacher through the soul communicator. He decided against going to meet him in person since he doubted he could keep his emotions in check, when he would meet Wu Zhangkong. He still remembered how teacher Wu happily embraced his death as he sealed himself in ice along with the sculpture of his beloved.

"Okay, meet me by the Sea God lake", Wu zhangkong's voice was heard through the communicator.


      Wulin met Zhangkong by shore. Wulin was luckily able to keep his emotions to himself as he was able to get used to his current time-line. Those stuff never occurred, will never occur, he reassured himself.

     As for Wu Zhangkong, he was taken aback by his student's make over. He was actually ready to penalize him, but Tang Wulin assured that it was simply his bloodline awakening. Although Wu Zhangkong was having his doubts, he decided to let the matter slide.

     The teacher and student duo took the boat to Sea God lake. Tang Wulin wasn't able to feel that, the water was having a positive result on cultivation, especially after his bloodline was awakened.

        He could feel that his cultivation would be helped greatly at the lake, as being here was same as being with his family now. He could feel the lake was calling for him, as if welcoming him.

"Teacher Wu, I will meet you at Grand teacher's place. I need to check something "

"What is it?", Wu Zhangkong asked with his usual cold look and simple words, but Tang Wulin was easily able to guess that he was curious as well, especially after Tang Wulin's new look.

"I'm sorry, but it's something I can't tell you yet", with that he jumped off the boat, before his teacher could refute.

         Tang Wulin swam leisurely into the lake. He could feel the water elements were really welcoming merrily swirling around him. Tang Wulin was able to connect with them easily, asked their help to guide him to the roots of the golden tree.

          For the water elements, Tang Wulin was like  their prince, and his simple wish was something they could never refute. Every water element originates and ends at the sea. And Tang Wulin was the Son of their God, and had the Trident within him. So, in Tang San's absence, he was the person would had the most authority over them.

          After a few minutes, Tang Wulin reached the very bottom of the lake. He touched one of the root and released his Blue Silver Emperor martial soul to connect with the divine tree.

       After a while, he was able to enter the golden world he had seen before inheriting the seed of life.

"Old senior, I know you are hear! Please come out!"

"Oho, how unexpected. Someone who has the Blue Silver Emperor Bloodline. Are you his descendent child", an golden Old man came into view, his entire body shrouded in golden light.

"I am, senior. And I have request", Tang Wulin spoke up, while bowing down with respect.

"Despite your young looks and respectful behavior, I could still feel the unyielding presence you have, no matter how much you try to hide it. No wonder you are his descendent. I will hear your request. Then we will move on to the important part ", the old man spoke happily.

"I need to talk with tree of life, the person with it", Tang Wulin spoke seriously. The old man was taken aback those words, because no one knew about this. He subconsciously became vigilant and asked," how did you know that?".

      Tang Wulin sighed and knew he had to disclose his identity so that this doesn't drag out. A golden Trident mark appeared on his forehead, while the Sea God Trident appeared in his arm. He let out the aura he possessed then he was at his peak, the Aura of a God! "Because I am her grandson".

       Those words, the Trident, and the godly aura he released, was enough to get the old man's eyes to widen. He was speechless, while the answer hit him like the raging sea, ' He is The son of The Sea God, Tang San!'.

"Wulin, is that really you?", a voice reverberated throughout the golden word. It was a sweet and soothing voice, but one could feel the trembling in those words.

"Grandmother, it's me", Tang Wulin said, tears involuntarily slid down his cheeks.

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