Master Present Time !

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It was the morning of the mid day check ups for the girls and their performances. They were all sorting out things around the room.

It was a surprise event for the masters. Lena was watching Da Yeon and Chae Hyun try to put up the tinselly stuff.

"Let's put it up to the line." Da Yeon told the short girl.

"Is that the tape?" Chae Hyun asked as she pulled something off the tinselly stuff.

"The line is, wait....." Da Yeon said as she looked up to the line.

Chae Hyun and Da Yeon tried to put it up but they was on their tippy toes and they couldn't reach it. This just made them both laugh as they couldn't reach it.

They both tried jumping but it was for nothing as they still couldn't reach it.

"We're too short!" Da Yeon told her. The tallest of the girls had put it up, so there was no wonder as to why it was so hard.

Lena laughed as she watched the two girls before she stood up with May.

Lena and May stood up before they walked to the short girls before they put up the tinselly stuff with ease. It wasn't much of a stretch for either of them.

"You're so cool!" Da Yeon cheered.

"So being tall is helpful." Da Yeon told the two girls as they looked at the taller J Group girl and K Group girl making them all laugh.


Lena was writing a message to the masters and they were all having fun.


The lights were all out as they waited for the masters arrival to the party.

"My goodness!" A master said as he opened the doors making the girls go silent.

"Go in." Another master piped up from behind him.

"What is this?" They asked as they saw the iridescent tinselly thingy.

"What is all of this?" The masters asked as they walked in through the tinselly stuff, not having seen the girls yet.

"We..." Another master spoke before the lights were turned on.

And they all sang O.O.O for the masters.

"Wait a minute." Master Baek told them all, as they continued to sing.

"I love you!" They all told the masters.

Lena had Guinn Myah on her back as they sang along with the song. And then they made a giant heart along side all of the other girls.

"Three, two one!" They all shouted before the string was pulled and the messaged came rolling out to show the masters.

"Bring the gifts!" The girls were told and they walked out with the gifts for the masters.

Lena walked up to Master Jang.

Giving her the present along with the girls for the other masters going up with the other girls.

"How can we do the mid check up now?" Master Baek asked the girls.

"I know." Sunmi agreed.

"Please don't scold us today!" Wen Zhe offered up. Making everyone laugh as they didn't want a scolding after.

"I don't think I can do the mid check up today." Master Jang told the other masters.

"You must've struggled in order to get here." Sunmi told all of the girls. "You relied on each other to hang on, we're thankful for that. We now feel so attached to you guys. Now it's really hard for us to let someone go every time."

"We started this journey to make a group of Ten." Master Lim Han Byul told all of the girls. "We'll get there no matter what happens. That means not everyone here will make it. But if you choose music as your career, look at it in the long run. Be amazing musicians who work hard in the field for a long time, who work hard to make good music. That's what I wanted to say."

"Thank you!" The girls all told them for their messages.


The masters were opening their gifts from the girls, seeing all of the hand made gifts.


Lena was going to give out a gift to Jin Goo with Yu Jin, Xiao Ting and Yurina.

"Hello." They told him as they walked in.

"Hello." He told the them back as they all bowed.

"We wrote and made these gifts." Yu Jin told the master.

"Really?" He asked them. Tiffany was getting her own gifts at the same time.

Jin Goo just laughed at the thoughtfulness of the gifts making them laugh.

"Should I wear these when I go up?" He asked the girls, Lena nodding with the three girls from other groups. "I'll wear these bracelets."

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