Combination Mission Teams

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The girls all walked in and got ready for a reveal with a sheet of cloth with the logo on it covering a wall. It had been a week with no mission so they all just knew it had to be the next mission.

Lena was stood between Xiao Ting and Young Eun.

Lena asking them. "What could it be, I'm so curious."

"I don't want to do anything charismatic this time." Young Eun told them all. "Since we did 'How You Like That'." She added onto the end of it, as Yurina turned to face her cell properly.

"Same here." Yurina told them.

"Yeah, I just want to know what is going to happen." Lena told them all as she tapper her finger against her outer thigh, as they stood waiting for what was going to happen.


Then the door opened and Jin Goo, the Planet Master walked in.

"I like his top." Lena told her cell and Cai Bing, May and Yu Jin as she looked to the flowery shirt.

"Hello girls." Jin Goo told all of the girls as he held his microphone up.

"Hello." They all told him while they all bowed back towards him.

"I'm Planet Master, Yeo Jin Goo. It's good to see you." Jin Goo told all of the girls. "The first survival announcement took place last week."

"Before we get started, let me congratulate you 55 girls for getting the chance to stay here and keep pursing your dreams to become a Kpop Idol singers." Jin Goo told them all, making them think to how they had just lost 45 girls.

"Aside from the cell rankings, from last week's survival announcement, the 55 girls have gotten new individual rankings." Jin Goo told all of the group. Lena was K01. "Along with a new TOP 10. The votes have been reset. And from this voting on there won't be any cell votes."

Once Jin Goo told the girls that, Lena looked to her three cell mates and she just was upset, she has done so much with them, and now they were relying on just themselves, and they had become so close in that time.

"Wait will I still room with you?" Young Eun asked her now former cell mates as she looked at them confused.

"I don't know, we will shared rooms based on the next mission." Lena told her, rubbing the girls arm that was closest to May.

"From now on,  the members of each group will be ranked individually through global votes instead of cell votes. From the bottom rank the same number of members in each group will be eliminated from the bottom rank. " Jin Goo revealed, so who ever had less votes individually would be at risk, so it was only singular popularity.

"If then, down to which rankings will you get to survive?" Jin Goo told the group, this just made them hate this. "This coming voting result will eliminate...." He paused. "I'll let you know in a minute." 

"Aish!" Lena said as she wanted to know, along with the rest of the girls as they were annoyed at the lack of information given to them.

"Now the second mission of Girls Planet 999, will be revealed......" And the curtain dropped at Jin Goo's words and left was a bit of fabric which made the girls scream.

On a board was the numbers 3, 6 and 9. And under the three there were six boxes covered with a sticker. Under the six were three boxes covered with a sticker. And then under the nine there were only two boxes covered with a sticker.

"It's called Combination Mission." Jin Goo told them the name of this, this confused some of the word.

"It means a mix." Jin Goo told the girls, some of which looked confused at the word used. "During this mission, your cells  will be disbanded."

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