Fun Family Times

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The girls made their way outside. And as Wen Zhe said the magic words clips started to play.

When it was Huening Lena's it played her audition clip just like everyone else's.

And they all screamed seeing her when she auditioned and she was just embarrassed like everyone was when their played.


A video of Lena at the start played. *Bold is video, normal is the reactions*

"99 days?" Lena said as she looked to the camera confused.

"I hope you are happy." Lena told the camera.

"You better have made friends, because you won't survive that long with them." She told the video.

All the girls laughed hearing this, she was close friends with all of them.

"It will be the final and I hope you have grown as a person, not in height because we stopped growing two years ago, and you are tall enough already." She added.

"Two years ago!" Wen Zhe told her as she laughed and made everyone laugh.

"Make sure you have memories to remember with the girls. Let's debut happy." Lena told the video.

Then there was another video that started of some of the eliminated girls.

A video of May was shown, she had grown close to May, they were very close friends spending all of their free time together and they always went out together when they could.

"Lena. This is me from 99 day ago. You will debut. I want you to be happy and know I was the one who stole your sock and hid it. It's under your original bed." May told the camera.

"What! You told me it was Xiao Ting!" Lena told the screen as she made a mental note to go collect the socks, they were fluffy socks, which she got for Christmas last year.

"I love you and keep working hard. I love you Baby forever and ever." May added as she winked to the camera, making everyone laugh as they heard.


It was a few days before the final.

A video was suddenly playing as all of the girls were sat outside in the cold.

"I want to do a camp fire here." Bahiyyih told all of the girls.

"But I didn't expect to do it for real." She added as Lena sat on the blanket in front of the girls.

"What is this now?" Wen Zhe asked all of the girls as she pointed to what was around them, the giant screen.

"That screen is just scary." Da Yeon added as the girls all agreed.

"I think I'll cry." Lena told Ya Ning and Rui Qi as she was sat with Rui Qi behind her and Ya Ning to the left of her.

"It's been a while since we all joined the camp, is there anyone that you miss?" The producers asked all of the girls seeing them all sat down.

"Mom, dad!" Bo Ra told everyone immediately.

"Mom, dad!" Ye Seo added as she pouted missing her parents.

"My Twin!" Lena told everyone as she really missed her big brother.

"Puppy!" Xing Qiao told everyone as she shouted.

"Brother!" Myah shouted as she agreed with Aurora.

"Father!" Wen Zhe told everyone as she shouted loudly.

And then the screen turned on.


Ye Seo's video was up first and it was her dad.

Then it was Shana and they showed her cat, making everyone cheer.

Next it was Myah's brother Nova and he spoke in English and they all laughed hearing her comments to him at the same time.


When Lena's message came on it was her twin sister, Lea, She spoke in English to her twin sister.

She spoke in English as he said:

"Sister, you have been gone for too long. It's your twin sister, even though we look nothing alike. You have done so well. You are doing so well, we are all watching you and Bahiyyih on the TV. Watching you perform these songs and everything it has been one of my favourite moments of watching you perform. I wish I could be there with you but you have done us all so proud and I love you no matter what. He had been joining us every now and then and he can't wait to see you once you are out no matter the result. He has missed you and is very annoying I don't know how you put up with him. He is waiting to see you." Lena was just in bits seeing this and she was just bawling her eyes out on camera. "Bye Bye twinnie, I will see you soon and you better be debuting."

She laughed hearing her twin say that. And she mentioned him, her boyfriend of just over a year and three months. She missed him a lot during all of this but she couldn't wait to see him.

"I haven't seen her face to face since we started the show. I just want a hug from her, she is my other half." She told the girls as Ya Ning hugged her as the girl just cried into her jacket. Before Bahiyyih hugged her older sister, knowing she needed the family and her boyfriend, she was the only one who knew about him other than Xiao Ting, due to her catching her former cell mate talking to nothing and mention him.

All of the K Group girls moved around to their crying tall girl, and Ya Ning who was still holding her best friend outside of C Group, who had a bright red face from her tears.


Then as Lena continued to cry Da Yeon's video was up as she cleared up the tears of her face.

Then it was Xiao Ting as Lena held her hand as she was still by her with Ya Ning.

Then it was Wen Zhe's father as he read from a book, which was filled with pictures of Wen Zhe.

Then she told all of the girls. "It's actually the first time for my dad to record this kind of video." She told the girls as she had red eyes from the tears.

"Which was so awkward. My dad is so cool." She added as she wiped tears away with her blue hoodie. "He's really cool." She quickly added.

"There is a family photo next to my dad if you see the video. And my beloved mother n the photo who I miss the most." Wen Zhe added and the second Aurora heard this she just started to cry for the girl.

"My Mother is up in heaven.... I miss you!" She shouted as she turned up to face the dark night sky. Lena and everyone was in tears at this point listening to her speak. She knew that her mother would be proud of her and she wished the girl would debut but no matter what she knew that her mother was very proud of her, and the amount she has grown over the show.

"Mom, I made it to the final, did you see it?" Wen Zhe told the sky as she spoke and no one was stopping crying.


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