O.O.O Mission

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What is that?" Ezaki Hikaru asked as the saw the cover on the wall.

"What is it?" Lena asked as she stood between Young Eun and May.

All of the girls were stood in the area and they waited for Jin Goo to arrive. Lena was talking with her U+ME=LOVE Team mates about their mission, as it was the final mission before the finale.

Then Jin Goo walked out. "Hello" The man told them before they all cheered for him.

"Hello." All of the girls told him in a reply as they bowed slightly, towards him.

"How cool." Wen Zhe told her Snake teams.

"He's so cool." Young Eun added to her team mates.

"I've mentioned that there would be one more mission." Jin Goo told the girls what they wanted to hear as they wanted to know about their final mission before the finale.

"I was worried you might spend a sleepless night after hearing that news." Jin Goo told the girls. "But it seems you slept well." This made all of the girls laugh, they didn't have a worried night sleeping.

"I'll now reveal the last mission." Jin Goo told the girls as they all waited for the news. "That will determine the 19 finalists.

"This is the last mission." All told the snake girls sang as they were doing Hikaru's rap from 'Snake' and they imitated her dance. aurora following along, as she loved the performance.

Then the banner suddenly dropped and they all made a few noises and they were all a bit scared and the O.O.O was shown on the wall.

"Reply over!" Wen Zhe sang as she did that part of the dance with Lena from across the room as they were a bit excited.

"You're right it's the O.O.O Mission." Jin Goo told them like they currently couldn't already tell just from the banner next to them.

"The song was originally sung by all 100 contestants." Jin Goo told them as they listened in to him. "And it has been remastered as a debut song."

"What?" Aurora asked as she was wondered as to how it had been changed.

"You will be singing the signal song 'O.O.O' in groups of 9." Jin Goo told them all. "And you will be evaluated."

"What?" Xiao Ting asked them.

"Evaluated?" Wen Zhe asked the man as they gasped.

"The members were decided according to the result of the combination voting of The Planet Guardians." Jin Goo told the group of girls. "And the opinion of the Kpop Professional Masters

"Members that will best suit the debut group have already been decided." Jin Goo told them, this worried the girls all together, for who would be chosen.

"The one who will get the benefit for the O.O.O mission will be decided through individual evaluation, unlike other missions. The masters won't be choosing who will get the benefit." Jin Goo started to tell the girls "After the performance of the O.O.O mission, individual videos of each members will be revealed. One person from each team, who gets the most votes from the planet guardians, so three people in total will get the benefit."

"The first place in each team will get 9,000 benefit points." Jin Goo told all of the girls

"Now let's find out which member became a team." Jin Goo told the girls as they were anticipating to get in their groups for the final mission before the finale.

"I'll announce the first contestant." Jin Goo told the girls.

"The first contestant is from J Group. Kawaguchi Yurina." Jin goo told them, waiting for a moment before announcing her name to everyone. "Her team is..... Team 1." The J Group girl walked over to that team, after getting a high five from Xiao Ting.

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