Presents and Treats

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"Cleaning Time!" Lena yelled as she ran with slippers which were cleaners and they ran through the area cleaning the floor, sliding, in a race against Da Yeon, Da yeon just barely lost against the long legged girl.

She then went to the Dance Practice rooms and she cleaned the floor, drying it as she danced with the girls as May had finished mopping it of anything on the floor.


All the girls were randomly around the Planet Camp. They had finished cleaning.

"We prepared some snacks." A voice was heard over the voice and Lena was in a room with Ya Ning as they cuddled, relaxing, having a laugh together when they sat up in Ya Ning's bed.


"Snacks." The girls all said as they walked into the cafeteria, sitting in a small solo cube, so they could eat.

The Master Baek walked in with the backs of snacks.

He smiled and laughed at the girls. "How are you all?" He asked all of the girls as he set the bags down.

"Good!" All 100 girls announced to the man.

"Now that I'm standing here. I'm a bit nervous. I like it." Master Baek told them all, making the girls laugh a bit at him.

"I came because I realised there isn't much time left for us to see each other." Master Baek told them, making them all happy as he actually wanted to do something for them and it wasn't just them getting random foods.

"I also brought some snacks for you guys to have while rehearsing." Master Baek told them, which Lena didn't know if they would stay as rehearsal snack or if they would just be eaten now.

"Come up one by one. And I'll hand out the presents." Master Baek told them all, before reading off the one he had which had a small tag on it. "But Lena has to get hers first as she has an allergy to certain foods."

Lena walked up to Master Baek bowing as she took the box out of his hands before she walked back to her seat after he said "It has no gelatin in it so you are safe. I made sure it didn't." Master Baek told her before she told him. "Thank you." Before she walked back to sit next to Yu Jin.

She opened the box and she saw a cute bracelet that was knitted. She put it on her right wrist and she held it up and it was a purple flower. May had Blue. Yu Jin has pink. Bo Ra had a pink flower.

There was a small note and then treats, which were different compared to Yu Jin's as they said on some 'Do not contain traces of gelatin."

"Hey guys!" Master Baek told all of the girls.

"Hello!" The 100 girls told him back smiling.

"I'm going to go now." Master Baek told all of the girls, making them a bit upset. It was something that made their afternoon happier.

"No!" was the common census among all of the girls.

"Today is a very happy day for me, because I got to meet you guys." Master Baek told all of the girls. "I'll see you at the next shoot."

"Thank you!" They all shouted at him as he walked out of the room, leaving them.

"Bye!" he told them as he left before leaning back and waving to the girls.


The girls were exchanging girls with each other.

Lena gave the girls each a box. She passed them a personalised box which had their name on it, in English and in Korean characters and Chinese characters and Japanese characters.

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