Morning Mission and Teams

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Lena was in bed asleep as someone woke up, before she woke up hearing noises outside of the room by footsteps and voices.

"Why am I awake at this time in a morning?" Lena asked herself as she sat up in bed.

"It's our first morning here, there will be a Morning Mission." Yurina told the girl before they both slowly got up, both of them still cuddling a bit as they held onto their own teddy.

Before they both moved to a different girl. Lena moving to Young Eun as she moved to her bed, jumping onto the younger and shorter girl hugging her whispering softly to wake her up but not startle her.

They all had woken up easily and they all got dressed and into their outfits for the day, a plain white top with their Group on it. And some shorts on. Lena had some plain black shorts on.

She sat there and placed her shoes on her feet as she leaned out of the door saw Da Yeon and they waved excitedly at each other before they turned and they saw the camera crew, and they bowed at them.

"The camera crew is out there." She told all of her cell mates as she walked back into the room and they heard O.O.O and they made their way out of the room.


Lena was sent to find Xiao Ting's baby picture, which she found quite easily and she ran to the Chinese girl, once she heard her yell and she was stuck outside the room.

Xiao Ting and Yurina had to go find Young Eun and Lena's baby pictures. And Young Eun had to find Baby Yurina.

Lena, Young Eun and Xiao Ting waited for Yurina to come back and once she did with the baby picture of Lena. And she yelled that she had baby Lena. So they ran and they got to put their four baby pictures up in rank 3 out of 33, they cheered as they completed the mission.

"Is this really you?" Yurina asked the girl in Japanese, knowing she spoke the language.

"How isn't this me? This is the most me photo out there." Lena told the older girl back in Japanese as she hugged her copying the photo with her jacket around her like the Penguin helmet in the photo.

"It was dress up day at school and I was a penguin." Lena told the camera in her interview.

Jin Goo was stood in front of the group of girls, who now all looked identical in their matching uniforms

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Jin Goo was stood in front of the group of girls, who now all looked identical in their matching uniforms. "You've all went through the wake up mission this morning..." Jin Goo started. "Starting with the winner of this wake up mission! Will have the opportunity to select a cell that would be a team together."

This worried the girls with Lena as they were third, they would have no choice on who they would work with for the mission, as the two teams could pick them and she wasn't sure on if she would want to work on a mission with them. They could be chosen by people they didn't want to work with.

"The chosen cell can not refuse the decision!" Jin Goo added, which further worried her if a worse cell picked them, they now had to be with them. "After selecting the two cells that they would like to work with in their team, all members of the team can select the song they would like to perform."

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