Gabriel jumped and the book fell to the floor. "Wha...? Huh?"

"You fell asleep."

"No, I didn't. I was reading."

"Your eyes were closed."

"That's how I read...?"


"I'm sorry." He stood up and walked over to Sam. "I'm not a book nerd. I prefer pictures."

"Like children's books?" Sam asked with a smirk.


Sam picked up the book from the floor and put it back in the shelf. He heard a low whistle and turned to see Gabriel leaning against the wall. "Nice ass."

Sam smirked.


The Slave Trade was relatively quiet. The word that Lucifer and Michael were lose was scaring people away.

Chuck and Kevin were discussing something about costs and some other mumbo jumbo that Dean didn't care about. He walked uncertainly; the last time he was here was a long time ago. He walked up to Chuck while eyeing Kevin.

"Dean? What are you doing here?" Chuck asked.

Dean shifted his weight to his other foot. "I... uh... I'm here to buy."

Chuck stared at him while Kevin smiled, "Angel or demon?"

"Uh, angel."

Chuck took a small intake of breath. "Who are you and what have you done with Dean?"

Dean sighed, "It's for protection."

"Angels are technically guardians. A demon cannot offer as much protection as an angel," Kevin said like he was simply reciting facts.

Chuck glared at Kevin out of the corner of his eye. "You want to buy an angel?"

"Yes, I believe that's what he just said," Kevin whispered.

Dean sighed, "When is the auction?"

"There isn't an auction today, but you can look in the cells."

Chuck started leading Dean towards the cells and left Kevin to deal with price issues. "Angel, huh?"

Dean sighed, "I'm a hunter now. I almost got killed while working with Ruby."

"Hunter? Aren't those the psychopaths that run around with knifes and guns and kill stuff?"

Dean rolled his eyes, "Basically. It's not for me... but I need a job."

"I don't know, I think you would be a good hunter."

Dean laughed, "I'm not a hunter, Chuck."

They walked in silence for a while. "Jo misses you."

Dean looked down at his feet.

"She hasn't seen you since you almost died."

"I'm fine. Just tell her that."

"She's worried, Dean, and with good reason. You're a hunter now. Hunters get killed."

"If a worker at the Far Hills Factory is involved in an incident that endangers their life or the life of another employee that worker must be immediately laid off for protection of the company," Dean recited the rule he'd learned when he had first started working there.

Chuck shook his head, "There are other jobs."

"You find someone willing to hire me, please do tell."

They reached the cells.

"What are you looking for, exactly?"

Dean shrugged, "I have no idea. I've never bought an angel before. How did Sam decide?"

"Oh, you don't want to follow Sam's example," Chuck said with a smile.

Dean shook his head. "I just need protection."

Chuck thought for second. "Hang on. I think I know the perfect one." He started walking down hallway that was lined with cells on either side. He stopped and looked back at Dean. "Come on."

They walked down the row, every so often a threat would come from one of the cells.

"That one," Chuck motioned to a cell near the end of the row.

The angel had silver wings that caught the light and glistened. He looked up at them as they stood in front of his cell. His eyes were blue. Bright blue. Dean was actually taken back by their color. His hair was short and black and messy. And he was handsome.

"So, Dean. What do you think?"

Dean blinked and looked at Chuck. He had forgotten he was there. "What? Oh yeah."

"Yeah? As in 'I'll buy'?"

Dean looked back at the angel and those eyes. It was like they could pierce his soul. Unnerving. But there was a sense of security. Nothing was as calming as those eyes.

He looked back at Chuck. "Yes."

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