Chapter 1441 - Chapter 1450

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Suddenly reminded of something, Park Cheon sprang forward and begged Yang Chen, "Mr. Yang! Please let off Eunjung! She did it because she loathed me, not because she loathed Zhenxiu! Since Zhenxiu is safe now, I'll take good care of her in the future. This would never happen again... Eunjung, Eunjung is my daughter. I can't let her get hurt!"

Eunjung's pupils constricted. She held her tears back and refused, "I don't need your hypocrisy! I would rather let Mr. Yang kill me. That way, I won't have to see you anymore! I deserve it!"

"You... Eunjung, don't be foolish!" Park Cheon continued to beg Yang Chen, "Mr. Yang, I'll agree to all your demands as long as you let off Eunjung!"

Yang Chen shoved him away and frowned. "I don't care if she's your daughter. She has to die for hurting Zhenxiu!"

The crowd was appalled. Yang Chen actually disregarded Park Cheon! Besides, Eunjung was already so pitiful and Zhenxiu had also recovered. Was there really a need to kill the former?

Yang Chen was being so cruel because of Zhenxiu.

Even though he was shoved away, Park Cheon quickly tugged at Yang Chen's arm and cried, "I'll die in place of Eunjung! Mr. Yang, I know no one can stop you! Kill me! I've lived a long life, but Eunjung is still so young!"

At that point, he looked nothing like a millionaire but a father who was desperate to save his daughter.

Eunjung raised her head to keep her tears from falling.

Running out of patience, Yang Chen pushed Park Cheon aside and motioned Jane to pull him away.

"Stop being so annoying! I'm killing your daughter, not you!" Yang Chen roared and walked towards Eunjung.

Eunjung shut her eyes and awaited her death. Having seen Yang Chen's capabilities, she knew resistance would be futile.

"You can't kill her."

A cold voice sounded before Yang Chen.

Kim Jip had shielded Eunjung with his body while staring at Yang Chen coldly like a panther.

"You?" Yang Chen sniggered, "Do you think you can stop me?"

Kim Jip shook his head. "I can't."

"Then what are you doing here?"

Kim Jip stated calmly, "I'm not here to stop you but to tell you the truth."

"The truth?" An ambiguous smile played on Yang Chen's lips."

"No!" Eunjung pulled Kim Jip hysterically. "Go away! He's trying to kill me, not you! What are you doing here!"

Kim Jip hugged her tightly and yelled, "I'm the one who poisoned Xu Zhenxiu! Eunjung is innocent!"

Eunjung buried her face in his arms and sobbed while hitting his chest. "Why did you do this?! I'm going to die anyway! Why did you do this!"

The onlookers seemed to have caught on to something but still, their minds were muddled.

Kim Yang turned ghastly pale when he heard his son's words. Overwhelmed with rage, he ended up fainting.

"Yang Chen, you are not one to kill innocent people. I believe in you. I'm here to tell you that the person I love is Ho Eunjung. She's the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I can kill Xu Zhenxiu and even President Park for her! I know it's unfair to Xu Zhenxiu, but I don't have a choice. For her, I can be a madman, a bastard!"

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