Chapter Eighty Five

Começar do início

Smiling at him softly, I give Raven's ankle a slight tap, silently telling him to continue. "I know that. But I care about you, all of you, and I don't want to hide that. I think my father would appreciate it more if I tell him right off the bat how it is."

Owen's eyes soften and he nods his head, a smile pulling just slightly at his mouth. No one says anything while Gabriel finishes putting away the last of the clothes and Raven does my hair. Once Raven has finished my hair I go into the bathroom to look into the mirror, finding that he's done two braids either side of my part line, making sure to leave a few cute pieces of my bangs out to frame my face. The braids come to a stop at my crown area, tied off with an elastic. I absolutely love it and grin at my reflection before picking up my toothbrush and getting on with the task of brushing my teeth.

I'm joined by Victor and Marc, both of them picking up their own toothbrushes. We watch each other in the mirror, smiling at each other. This should feel awkward, but it doesn't. I'm starting to love these little moments more and more. Once I'm done, I splash some water on my face before drying it with a towel, leaving the two boys to it before going back to my bedroom.

I'm surprised when I find everyone dressed down and into clothes that they sleep in. Marc and Victor come out of the bathroom and they swap places with North and Corey. "Is everyone staying here tonight?"

Marc takes my hand into his. "Looks that way, Minnie. North, Silas, Owen and Axel are going to sleep on the floor of your father's bedroom. Corey and Raven are taking the couch. Sean, Kota and Brandon are going into the picture room. Nathan, Gabriel and Luke are with us in your room."

I can only smile in response. I love that they're all staying but it's really starting to bother me that these boys are sleeping here, there and everywhere because of me.


The next morning I woke up cuddled up against Marc with my hand holding Nathan's resting on Marc's chest. At my back was Victor with Luke cuddled up against him. Gabriel was back to back with Nathan. When I went downstairs after my shower, dressed in a pair of jeans that was purchased the day before with one of my favourite oversized T-shirts, I had found Axel and Owen making breakfast.

Slowly, one by one, the rest of the house started waking up. Some went back to Nathan's to shower as the two showers in my house became occupied. Once everyone had returned and were dressed for the day we ate breakfast together in the kitchen. Gabriel fixed my hair as it had gotten a little frizzy through the night, and damp in a few places where it had gotten wet from my shower. The two braids still sat tight against my scalp and I decided to leave them in for school.

After saying goodbye to Axel, Corey, Brandon, Raven and Marc, we headed off to school, riding in the passenger seat of Victor's BMW. The closer we got, the worse my anxiety became. I fiddled with a tear in the jeans I was wearing, tied and re-tied the laces of my converse. I went to push up the glasses I would normally wear on my face but found them missing. I hadn't put them on. I've become so used to not wearing them around the guys, I didn't even notice they were missing until we were on the road.

Victor takes my hand into his, keeping his eyes on the road as he raises my hand to his lips. I close my eyes when I feel slight pressure from his mouth, a kiss, before he gently places my hand on his thigh, covering it up with his own. "Calm down," he says softly, briefly meeting my gaze before focusing on the road again.

"Sorry," I mutter. My thumb starts moving on its own, stroking his leg. My shoulders relax.

"Don't be sorry, Princess." Though he doesn't look at me, I can see the gentle smile curling his mouth. "You're stepping out of your comfort zone. The best thing to do is walk in there with your chin held high and ignore everyone else."

Capturing Them Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora