Chapter 27

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the two were still cuddling in bed silently, taehyung's head resting on jungkook's chest listening to his calming heartbeat, until the latter spoke up, "tae?"

taehyung hummed in acknowledgment, letting the other know he's listening. "would you like to live with me? like obviously not in my shitty apartment but maybe we can-" he rubbed at his face before talking again, "never mind, forget i said anything it's probably stupid anyway."

the older raised his head and turned to him, "hm you want me to live with you? that sounds nice."


taehyung nodded, "okay first, you're adorable when you're nervous." he chuckled, "and second, i was gonna ask you to move in with me but i just didn't know how. it's just, i think it's convenient. i hate it when i'm alone when i could literally be cuddling you like i am right now, and my place is close to work and if you get the job as a photographer, it would just be great."

jungkook pulled taehyung down again, burying his face in the latter's neck. "you have no idea how happy you make me. being with you is something i never thought i deserved. you're so amazing and thoughtful and beautiful, and i'm just me. jungkook who was never good at commitment, the one who has a terrible depressing life, living in a shitty place that's cold and dark most of the time; jungkook who always left you without any explanation. yet you waited for me to come back all the time. you never asked me anything when you had every right to, and i'm so thankful that i have you in my life. meeting you was the turning point in my life you know? you pulled me out of that miserable place i was in and brought me into your bright, peaceful and happy world. i'm forever grateful for you, my taehyung."

the older couldn't stop the tears from forming in his eyes, pulling jungkook away from his neck just so he could look at him, removing his hair from his eyes before kissing his forehead. "you are so so special to me jungkook, and i can't think of words adequate enough to let you know how much i love you and how much you mean to me." he stopped talking to put some of jungkook's hair behind his ear, "my very handsome man. i'm so proud of all that you've done these past couple of years that i've known you, so much progress that no one could've done unless they're as strong and determined as you are. don't you ever, ever dare to badmouth yourself again. you are the light of my life jungkook, and i love you so so much, okay?"

the younger nodded, a huge smile on his face but his eyes glistening with tears, "and i love you too, so so much baby."

a soft smile was sent jungkook's way, "now how about we shower, order in some food, then call it night so we can wake up early tomorrow to start moving your things here?"

the latter nodded, "sounds like a plan. you sure you can walk properly though?" he said teasingly, spanking taehyung's ass for fun. "if you touch my ass one more time i'm gonna cut your dick off."

"nice try baby, we both know you love my dick too much for you to cut it off."

taehyung chuckled, "exactly, i'll cut it off and make a dildo out of it or something. love that, sounds great."

jungkook grimaced and sat up, moving away from taehyung, "god, you're so disgusting." taehyung's head fell on jungkook's lap as he laughed, "kidding! kidding! unless you don't mind."

jungkook laughed with him, holding his hands in his own and squeezing them, "why would you wanna have my dick as a dildo when you can just have it like it is, you know, connected to me and all?"

"because i think i might be addicted to it now and i don't wanna tire you out."

jungkook shook his head, "yeah no. i asked my doctor about it. he kicked me out." taehyung laughed again, "did you really as your doctor if you can have sex?"

"yes! he kicked me out but then called me inside again and said it was okay. he then kicked me out again because i told him it's gay sex then asked him if i can do it daily." jungkook laughed at taehyung's face, "you're so annoying." taehyung said through his giggles, "shut up, you know you love it."

"i do."

i am spoiling you with regular updates besties!! let me know what you think in the comments please! love youuu🤍

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