Chapter 16

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taehyung woke up at midnight to his phone ringing on the bedside table. he picked it up and saw that it was jungkook. he smiled. this wasn't unusual, jungkook would call him at some ungodly hours just to tell taehyung to come outside or even simply to tell him that he misses him.

he hit answer, raising the phone to his ear, and only then could he hear jungkook crying. "taehyung please come. i'm at home please come get me." he heard jungkook struggling to say.

he didn't need to hear more as he stood up, taking his keys with him and instantly walking out the door. "i'm on my way. can you tell me what's wrong? jungkook? can you hear me?" he has never been more worried in his entire 25 years of living.

jungkook nodded, then realized the other can't see him so he spoke, "i can't move. my legs, they hurt."
the pain in jungkook's voice broke taehyung's heart, making him drive fatser and faster until he reached jungkook's place.

"i'm here. wait for me jungkook." he said, ending the call and rushing to jungkook's. he used the spare key that jungkook had given him before and walked inside to see jungkook on the floor next to his bed, legs spread out in front of him as he cried.

taehyung crouched down next to him and took jungkook's face in his hands to make him look at him. "jungkook what's wrong? tell me what i need to do."

"i need you to put me on the bed, please."

but taehyung shook his head, "you're in so much pain, i can't just do that. we should go to the hospital."

the younger shook his head, "no, i can't."

taehyung didn't know what to do, but as he tried to help jungkook onto the bed, the latter screamed out in pain. "i'm sorry jungkook, we have to. i have to call an ambulance."

jungkook just sat there crying. he hated this. he hated feeling so weak. so weak that he can't stop taehyung from calling for help. can't stop the nurses from taking him. can't stop taehyung from crying as he sat right next to him in the ambulance as he held his hands.

when they arrived at the hospital, jungkook was instantly taken in while the other waited outside. what happened? he doesn't know yet. only yesterday jungkook was playing around with him as he ran away from him, and now jungkook was in the hospital, hurt.

he kept pacing back and forth until the doctor came out of jungkook's room. "is he okay?" he asked as soon as he was close enough to the doctor.

the latter nodded, "are you a family member?" he asked and taehyung looked at him, nodding, "yeah i'm his fiancé." he lied, knowing they won't say anything about jungkook's condition if he wasn't that close to the other.

the doctor nodded again as he spoke, "he hasn't been taking his medications for a while now, which is the reason his legs were in so much pain. we've given him some painkillers to numb the pain, but you need to make sure that he rests well and that he doesn't miss any of his medications anymore. if he does, his legs might give out on him again and we'll go back to square one." the doctor explained, confusing taehyung. medications? go back to square one? what is all this? but he doesn't ask. if he's going to know about this, it has to be jungkook who tells him.

so he walks inside, sitting by jungkook's bed. the latter laid there, sleeping so peacefully. it hurt taehyung so much to see him like that. he's never seen jungkook crying, let alone screaming in pain.

he sat next to him for a couple of hours, caressing his soft hair, kissing his forehead. and when he did, jungkook's eyes fluttered open. looking at taehyung, he quickly began to apologize i'm sorry. he repeated before taehyung shushed him. "shh, don't apologize. don't say anything for now. you need to rest."

"did they tell you?" jungkook asked in a scared tone, afraid his doctors might've explained the whole thing to taehyung, taking the chance of him doing it away.
but taehyung shook his head, "i want to hear everything from you. but not right now, you should go back to sleep, it's late."

jungkook smiled at him, moving away on the bed a little, groaning in pain, but still he wanted to make space for taehyung. "come here."

"stop moving around jungkook." taehyung frowned.

"if you don't come here right now, i swear to god i'll get off this stupid bed."

at that, taehyung got up to lay next to jungkook, "shut up and rest." he said, kissing the younger's forehead, "and never scare me like that again."

jungkook put his arms around him, "thank you for being here with me. it's the first time someone stays for me."

"i told you i'll always be here, didn't i?" he kissed the top of his head, closing his eyes as he fell asleep holding jungkook.

we're almsot there 🤪 are you guys ready🤪 what do you think is wrong with jungkook?

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