Chapter 20

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a few weeks after becoming official boyfriends, jungkook had to leave; but this time, he wasn't leaving alone because taehyung was coming with him. he packed jungkook's bag before they were both off on their way to the rehabilitation center.

once there, jungkook had to go through some quick check ups before settling in his room. before walking into the examination room, taehyung pulled at the younger's shirt and turned him around, "i'll be right here when you come out, okay?" he whispered to jungkook who smiled at him, kissing his forehead.

"thank you for being here, it means the world to me that you are." jungkook said, making the other peck his lips softly. "go now." he said and jungkook did, he walked inside the room for his check ups to be done.

when he came out, he went into his room and saw that taehyung has already prepared everything for him. he smiled, walking over to lay on the bed after kissing taehyung's forehead. "how are you feeling?" he asked, handing jungkook a cup of water.

"i'm fine, we haven't reached the tiring part yet." jungkook said to taehyung who was smiling down at him, "i'll make sure you rest after every little thing you do. now you should eat, you haven't eaten anything since yesterday."

so with that, they had breakfast together, talking casually as if they were at home still. taehyung had spent the night with jungkook, but he had to leave because of work early in the morning, promising jungkook he'll be back as soon as work is over, and receiving a nod from the latter as a response.

when taehyung came back at night, jungkook was already asleep. he was kinda sad he didn't make it before that.

he then walked out of the room to talk to jungkook's doctor. "hi." he started, "i wanted to ask about jungkook's condition. is he okay?" taehyung asked and the doctor nodded. "he is doing just fine. according to the tests we've done today, he just needs a little more physiotherapy and he will be exactly like he was before. but of course, that doesn't mean he can stop taking his medications. he needs them for about two more years."

taehyung nodded at the information given to him, "okay, understood. that means everything is good and there's nothing to worry about, right?"

the doctor spoke again, "well yeah, if he continues like that, there will be nothing to worry about. he tends to get really tired after all the tests and his physiotherapy sessions, especially after those. he kept asking about you before he fell asleep, so it would give him strength if you were there when he wakes up."

taehyung could feel his chest tighten at that. jungkook was waiting for him, but he didn't make it on time. he walked back inside jungkook's room and sat next to him on the bed, fingers softly threading through his hair as he pecked the tip of his nose. "you're such a strong young man, jungkook. you make me so proud." he whispered next to him, making him move slightly in his sleep and hold taehyung's hand.

a couple of days later, jungkook was getting ready for his physiotherapy session as taehyung sat on the chair inside the room because jungkook said he wanted him there. jungkook had no trouble doing any of the things he was supposed to do at first, but as more time passed, his face began twisting in pain, then some time after that, his groans were very audible to taehyung, and he looked tired. taehyung could then understand why jungkook would barely text him when he left. he would barely have any strength to stay awake after this.

when jungkook's groans turned into little screams, taehyung instantly walked towards him. "can you give him a break? just a few minutes, please." taehyung spoke to the physiotherapist who looked a bit hesitant, "please." he insisted, and at that, the physiotherapist nodded.

when she was a few feet away, taehyung looked at jungkook who had tears in his eyes. he bent down to kiss him, wiping the tears away. "you're doing great baby. did you know your doctor told me you won't be needing this anymore soon?"

jungkook smiled weakly, finding the way taehyung is trying to cheer him up endearing. "he did?"

the older quickly nodded, "yeah, he did. he said you're doing okay and that you just need a few more sessions and you'll be as healthy as before. just a few more."

the latter was so close to crying. seeing jungkook in pain is one of the most hurtful things he has to go through, but he can't cry. at least not in front of jungkook; he has to be strong for him. so he smiles, squeezing jungkook's hand in his as the physiotherapist came back. "can i stay here?" he asked, receiving a nod.

jungkook's heart was so full. everything felt ten times easier when taehyung was holding his hand through it. all this time, all he needed was a hand to hold, and he finally has that.

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