Chapter 2

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after the night they met, jungkook disappeared and taehyung didn't see him again, for three months at least. he didn't think much of it because he didn't really know jungkook and they didn't exchange phone numbers, so he thought it was just a coincidence that they met, and now they won't see each other again.

but three months later, when taehyung was doing his weekly grocery shopping, he saw jungkook again. the latter had noticed taehyung and smiled as he walked over to him, "i thought i'll never see you again." was the first thing taehyung said when jungkook was close enough.

the man chuckled, "hello to you too, taehyung."

and just like that, jungkook was accompanying taehyung on his little shopping trip as they talked. well mostly taehyung talking about what he's been up to these past three months and jungkook listening, leaving comments here and there to show the other that he's listening.

that day they exchanged phone numbers, and they met almsot everyday. their hangouts consisted of long drives in jungkook's car, eating pizza in the backseat while parking in some random parking lot, walks on the beach, and they even lazed around in taehyung's apartment on some days.

that, until one night jungkook told taehyung that he has to go. the latter was very confused, "go where?" he had asked but jungkook didn't answer, instead, he told him that he might come back later, that they might see each other again, that he'll make sure to contact taehyung as soon as he came back, but for the time being, he just had to leave. and taehyung let him.

they laid down in taehyung's bed, cuddling, till taehyung fell asleep. he expected to wake up the next morning and have jungkook right next to him, exactly where he last saw him. he expected he'd be able to say goodbye to him. but that wasn't the case. he woke up alone, jungkook's scent lingering on his bedsheets, and just next to jungkook's pillow, there was a little note, "i'll come back. i promise."

taehyung smiled at the words and hid the paper in his drawer. this was the only thing he owned that was from jungkook, and it was enough for him to be reminded of the amazing soul that jungkook is.

and that's how the thing between them was. jungkook disappears for two, three, four months, and sometimes more than that, but the moment he comes back to seoul, taehyung is the very first person to know.

jungkook comes back after four months, and it happens again, their daily hangouts and long conversations. it stayed like that until a night where they were in the backseat of jungkook's car, drinking some beer, and jungkook leans in as taehyung stared at the other's lips. jungkook kept leaning in till their lips where ghosting over each other, and taehyung made the last move to close the gap between them.

it was sweet and soft and long, both panting for air as they pulled away and smiled. after that night, kissing was normal for them, but nothing further than kissing happened between them, and they were content with that.

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