Chpater 12

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taehyung drove them back to his apartment, they cuddled up to each other in silence before jungkook spoke, "that was my mother, taehyung." he said, voice soft and low.

taehyung didn't know what to say, so he cuddled closer to him. "i haven't seen her in so long, yet she still didn't even hug me. when i saw her playing around with her kids, i kinda wished it was me. she used to love me exactly like that. but now she just treats me as a stranger, and she probably gives me money out of pity. or to make up for neglecting me, i don't know. i hate her for this. and i hate myself for not being able to say no to the money she gives me."

"i might not know your whole story jungkook, but you shouldn't feel bad about it. the least she can do is pay your bills. no one should be left out of their own family, no matter the reason. especially you. you're an amazing human being, and you deserve the world." taehyung said, looking jungkook in the eyes.

the other smiled at him, "you know something? i feel like i like you more and more every single day. and it's making things so hard for me."

taehyung smiled back at him, "you like me?"

"you're saying that as if you don't know that already, of course i like you, a lot actually." jungkook confessed, still talking in his low, soft voice that had taehyung's heart melting.

taehyung's heart fluttered, a whole zoo in his stomach going wild. "and why does it make things hard for you?"

"because it's making me not want to leave, you know? but i can't do that, i have to." jungkook admitted, with each passing day, he feels like he can tell taehyung everything about him, but he can't drop it all on him at once. "i hate leaving. i hate leaving you. i wish i could spend all my days with you. or at least be able to call you. facetime maybe. because i always miss you and your stupidly pretty face. and i hate that because i just can't."

taehyung chuckled, "okay first of all, i'll pretend i didn't hear that you called my face stupidly pretty, and second of all, if you're comfortable enough to tell me, but why do you have to leave? for so long?"

jungkook shook his head, "i just have to. i'm sorry i can't do this right now." taehyung nodded, "okay."

"but i believe that after everything that has happened between us, hell you even just told me you liked me, i believe i deserve a little explanation. you disappear on me and i have no idea why. i have no idea where you are or if you're even okay. and then you show up like nothing ever happened, and i'm supposed to be okay with that." taehyung said all in one go, sitting up straight now, "and trust me, i try not to let it bother me, but i just want to know if you're okay."

jungkook sat up as well, "taehyung, please don't do that, don't be like that." he pleaded. "be like what exactly? please don't care for you? because i can't fucking help it."

now the younger stood up, murmuring a small i'm sorry, as he walked towards the door, ready to leave, before taehyung held onto his arm and stopped him, turning him around so they were facing each other again, "please don't go, i'm not trying to make you uncomfortable. i'm not even asking you to talk about it before you're ready, but please just tell me if you're okay."

jungkook held onto taehyung's waist, pulling him closer. "i'm trying to be, okay? i will be. just don't turn your back on me, please."

"god, you're such an idiot. i like you so much, so so much you fucking idiot. and i'm not going anywhere, i'll always be here waiting for you. i'll wait for you for a lifetime if i had to, just please be okay. i need you to be okay." taehyung whispered, lips ghosting over jungkook's before they were pressed together. "okay." jungkook whispered back.

when they pulled apart, jungkook noticed the older's phone vibrating, signaling a phone call. "jeez we forgot about the picnic."

taehyung giggled a little, "it's okay, i'll tell them something came up and that we can't make it."

the younger shook his head, "ask them if they can come over, i wanna hang out with them but i don't wanna go back there."

"are you sure?"

he received a nod, so he answered the phone call to tell his friends.

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