Chapter 22

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a little over two weeks after being discharged from the hospital, taehyung and jungkook were on their way back to the latter's apartment after getting done with their weekly grocery shopping.

there inside the old building and in front of jungkook's door, stood the woman taehyung has seen a few months ago in the park for the first time. jungkook's mother was there. jungkook froze up in his place until she walked closer to him which made taehyung squeeze the younger's hand in reassurance.

"jungkook, can we talk?" he just nodded at her while unlocking the door with his keys. once inside, taehyung excused himself and walked to the kitchen to give them some privacy. but as the apartment was too small, taehyung's try was useless and he could here them clearly.

jungkook sat on his bed while his mother sat on the little chair in the corner. "how have you been?" she asked and jungkook chuckled at her, "i know you well enough to know that you're not visiting me for the first time ever in what? 5 years? 6 years? just to ask me how i've been. but if you must know, i've been doing well. great actually. i've been doing great."

the woman, misun, had tears in her eyes when she spoke again, "jungkook, i'm here to apologize. after seeing you that day at the park, i couldn't stop thinking about you, about how you're doing. you looked so different from when you lived with me." her voice broke a little, but she managed to smile and continue when jungkook didn't seem to know what to say.

"i kept thinking about everything that has happened to the point where i couldn't stand it anymore. i stopped spending time with my family, i became distant from your siblings too." your siblings. it's the first time she calls them his siblings. they were always my kids, but now they're jungkook's siblings too, and he didn't know how to feel about that. when there wasn't any reaction coming from him, she continued, "until i told my husband about you. my first born. and god, he made me realize how bad of a mother i've been to you, i should've never neglected you like i did, i should've never left you like that, i'm so sorry." she finished, waiting for jungkook's reply, but when he did reply, she was confused. "can you leave?" he said.

she looked at him confused, "what?"

it took everything in him to not burst, but he couldn't hold it in anymore. "i said can you fucking leave? what the fuck do you expect from me? you ruined everything. that pathetic excuse of a husband you had and you. you ruined my life! and now you're here saying sorry as if it would make me forget everything!" he was yelling, and it felt so good to be saying those things to her and getting them off of his chest.

"you waited until he almost killed me! he almost killed me and only then did you think of helping me! and me dying wasn't enough for you to stay! i woke up there alone! did you know i was paralyzed for years?! i couldn't move on my own and i lost everything because of what? because i like boys? fuck you. fuck you if you thought i deserved any of the things you put me through just because i liked boys." tears were running down his cheeks, mirroring his mother's face.

misun stood up and walked closer to jungkook before kneeling down to his level and hugging him. he was too tired to fight it so he just let her hug him as they both cried. "you didn't deserve any of that. you deserve the world and i couldn't give you that because i was blind. your father had brainwashed me into thinking that way, and i know that's not an excuse but i'm so sorry jungkook. i wish i can take back everything we've put you through, but i can't." she pulled away to wipe the tears from jungkook's face, "and i know i don't deserve it, but if you're willing to give me another chance one day, i'll do my best to be the mother you deserve."

he pulled his face away from her hands and stood up, "can you leave now? please? i need some time alone." misun nodded, "of course, take all the time you need. here's my number if you ever wanna reach out to me." she handed him a paper before walking out of the apartment.

once she was gone, taehyung walked out of the kitchen and instantly went to hug jungkook, "it's okay baby. i'm here." jungkook hugged him back as he cried softly into taehyung's neck.

hiii i know it's been forever but ive been super busy with school and life in general!! i hope yall are still reading this and if you are i hope you enjoy it!!

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