Chapter 3

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jungkook stayed for two months before he disappeared again, taehyung waking up on a tuesday morning alone, sighing to himself. he was used to it by now, but he just wished he knew why jungkook leaves every time so suddenly and without a warning, he wasn't gonna pressure him into talking about it though, so he stays silent.

he gets up, taking the little note on the bed that read, "i'll come back. i promise." that jungkook left, and apparently, leaves, every time before disappearing on him. he folds it neatly and puts it in the drawer along with the other three he's gotten before.

he texts jungkook that he'll be waiting for him, even though he knows jungkook will reply to his text a few days, weeks even, later. and that is weird to him because whenever jungkook is around, he answers taehyung's texts within seconds. but it was really hard for taehyung to contact jungkook when the latter was away, because usually jungkook will reply to him late, super late, with short messages, which bothers taehyung a bit. but a smile replaces his frown every time jungkook ends their texting with a little white heart emoji.

then taehyung goes on with his life normally, as if jungkook never came into the picture. he wakes up, goes to work, goes out with his friends that have no idea about jungkook yet, and then goes back home at night.

a month after jungkook left, taehyung was laying in his bed at night scrolling through his instagram when a message popped up on his screen. his eyes widened as he saw who it was from. 'jungkookie' it said. taehyung sat up straight as he looked at the message with a huge smile, this was the first time that jungkook messaged him first when he's gone. ever.

the huge smile on his face only got bigger when he read what jungkook texted him.

i miss you

three words only. three words that made taehyung forget about everything around him. three words that made him so happy that he wished jungkook was next to him just so he could kiss him like he's used to.

he texts back soon after, 'i miss you too'
then he writes again as he waits for a reply, 'are you okay? is everything okay?'

he just wants to make sure jungkook is okay. that he's healthy and happy wherever he was.
he's more shocked now to see that jungkook is already typing. that fast? could he be back already?he thought to himself then quickly shook his head when jungkook replied.

i'm doing fine
i'm texting you because i miss you
so i should be asking you
how are you tae?

taehyung can't hold back his smile, he reads the messages over and over again till he realizes he hasn't answered yet, so he quickly types a reply, 'i'm okay, but some days are very boring without you'

he waits a few seconds before jungkook is typing again, 'not to be cheesy but it's true, all my days are boring without you'

he replies back, 'i hope i'll see you soon then'
he then hesitantly adds, 'no pressure'

you will
i promise

taehyung doesn't reply after that, because he knows when jungkook sends that heart that he won't respond again, that it ends their conversation there. but he's very happy, because up until now, jungkook has never broken a promise.

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