22: the push

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new header 👁
also one of my fave chaps

new header 👁also one of my fave chaps

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Yunho doesn't immediately return home from the hospital, which is a given considering the surgery he got. And whenever Wooyoung's done with school and visiting hours are open, he follows Mingi and Mr Jeong to go see him.

As the days pass by, Yunho gradually regains his strength and life returns to his features, seeming at home in the hospital despite the iv drip he has to tug around and the gloomy atmosphere his ward carries.

On Friday, the day before Yunho's set to be discharged, Wooyoung's making some lunch with his mom for him when a few messages brighten his phone screen.

- yunho 🐶
hey wooyoung
can san tag along if he's free?

- yunho 🐶
i want to talk to him

Shutting a container, Wooyoung types in a response, Yunho's texts making him curious.

- wooyoung
i'll see if he's available rn

- yunho 🐶
thank you woo
can't wait :)

There's something different about Yunho's messages, in the same way he's gotten a lot more lighthearted whenever Wooyoung visited him at the hospital. A lot more content, even.

Never in a million years did Wooyoung imagine Yunho ever willingly wanting San to be around him, but the change isn't something Wooyoung dislikes.

"What is it, Wooyoung?" His mother asks right then, earning his attention. She's known of Yunho's condition ever since his cardiac arrest took place and has been extra supportive to everyone involved. Guessing by her current expression, it's clear she's thinking something bad has happened. "Was that Yunho?"

"It was," Wooyoung replies, flashing her a smile of reassurance. "But it's not anything bad though. He's just excited for us to meet up."

"That's good," Ms Jung says, letting out a sigh of relief. "Yunho may not be my son but he means a lot to me. I don't want him getting hurt."

"Me too," Wooyoung answers, setting the utensils in order. It was his idea to bring something home-cooked for Yunho since Mr Jeong respectfully doesn't know much about making meals, and now that Yunho's asked for San, Wooyoung can feel himself start to believe that things are finally getting better.

After all the food has been packed, Wooyoung texts San instead of calling him in case the taller is occupied with something.

- wooyoung
san, are you there?
i know we met earlier at school but are u free to go to the hospital with me?

A few minutes pass without San's input, but just as Wooyoung is readying himself to ask his mom for a ride (and consequently prepare his heart, mind and soul for the sheer road madness he'd get subjected to), San responds back.

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